Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

What kind of helicopter is that?

they have no problem showing all these other dead dudes. Why not show bin laden? Their people will still react the same as us showing them to showing Bin laden.

Because they actually took him alive after making a deal with him to give up other people, they orchestrated all of this so they could keep him alive as part of the deal, and he is currently in witness protection on a battleship headed to an undisclosed location to start his new life.

The new special forces black hawk helicopter doesn’t come out for another couple of years.


lol what? :stuck_out_tongue:

Want to see full picture of said helicopter, fuck we know it exists now, mine as well let us see it

It’s a lie. They placed that tail fin there. They actually took him out in harriers, and then they used the Aurora to get him to the battleship that was hanging out near the south pole.

Nothing LOL

Have you been hanging out a/ pitman?

I’ll just leave this here.


Fuck pakistan and all the other countries that helped or provided refuge for Bin Laden. They had to have known he was hiding there… its BULLSHIT. Does the middle east think America or Americans are dumb?? YUP. damn right they do. and when we do something like this they get pissed. we are ruining their skewed view of an extremeist version of islam and its SOOO unfair…BOOOO HOOOO! get a tissue. i know the US has done some shitty things, but what country hasnt? (well, besides Canada) All im saying is dont come to a free country where your future is almost what you make it, get pissed bc islam doesnt rule the world, and start blowing up planes and buildings…then cry about how we come and shit on your doorstep.

And on another note, how do these extremists believe that their god of peace and prosperity condones their unexcusable behavior?? I dont get it

BTW I didnt mean to offend anybody that is from the middle east, or anybody that practices islam. just figured id throw that out there lol

Bin Laden is most likely responsible for far more Muslim deaths than any other group of people so true, peaceful Muslims should rejoice as we have been.

You ever heard of Crusades?

Every religion is responsible for many deaths in the name of the Holy.

Er almost every. Last I heard Buddhists are rather peaceful along with a few others.

They were talking about the photo release on the beer and hotwings show the other morning…

a navy seal that use to be on team 6 that killed osama called in and gave complete details on why the photo wont be released.

long story short, the photo’s wont be released by obama simply to keep those navy seals safe. If the photo’s come out, no one knows what shit storm it will create for those seals, the familys etc. They arent even having a open award ceremony for these seals, because its simply to dangerous to risk. They are having a private enclosed ceremony to give the awards.

on the other hand, my cousin that was in iraq for two years for the army thinks this is all a cover up to a conspiracy theory. He thinks Bin Laden was killed a long time ago, we just needed a reason to stay over there for the oil and now we got what we wanted, so its all being released about his death.

at the end of the day, it doesnt matter whats going on, all that matters is that camel riding towel head is dead.



Conspiracy for oil huh. In the 13months i was there we never once went to the oil fields and refinery’s in our sector. Not saying there isnt one but if there was dont ya think thats something we would’ve been protecting ?