Seals are no joke
Yeah I really doubt these guys will have PTSD although you really do not know what your feelings will be about a situation till after it happens. I would believe by the time you have made it to their level they have already been through enough to know how they are effected by things like this. PTSD is hard to define anyhow. I dont really think I have it as I look at my experience overseas as “positive” but there are ways I will never be the same as well. I suppose it all how you look at things.
BED I too am curious what you think we should be looking at. I am very suspicious of how they are handling some of this myself. But haven’t jumped to any conclusions of my own.
I’m not surprised that the story keeps changing. I’m sure the details are clouded at best since this was a covert op in an enemy country with whom we mutually pretend to be an ally. That leaves the door wide open for our wonderful media to just make shit up to fill in the blanks. The real details will probably be classified for a long time. That doesn’t mean that there’s some great conspiracy going on, just that it was done on the snky and needs to stay that way since bin laden wasn’t a one man show. Just because we got the target doesn’t mean we’re going to give Pakistan or Al Qaeda a step-by-step of our methods.
As for PTSD, I’d guess these guys are fine but you never know. The human mind isn’t nearly as rational as we like to think it is.
What bothers me most in their handling so far is the whole, “Osama was armed and was shot. Oh wait, he was unarmed, and we shot him because he was reaching for a weapon. Oh wait, he made a move that he might be reaching for a weapon…”.
You watched this happen live via helmet cam. Either rewind your DVR and get the fucking details right or don’t say anything.
It’s not like everyone in the White House is just sitting around watching it though. The aftermath is unorganized because there was no time TO organize it. The fact of the matter is that even if Osama himself wasn’t armed, they were taking heavy fire from others and needed to get the fuck out of dodge before someone came in and blew up their choppers.
They had orders to capture or kill. They killed, grabbed the body and ran. Miscommunication happens, deal with it.
It seems like thing always get spun right from the get-go out of fear of violating those bullshit rules of engagement that came from fat dudes in Washington that have never seen so much as a bar fight much less seen combat. He probably didn’t have a gun in his hand pointed at them with the trigger half squeezed so shooting him was “illegal” and now the story keeps changing. “Did you violate rules of engagement?” “No.” “OK then he must have had a gun pulled on you so you shot him before he shot you.” “Well, no he didn’t have a gun pointed at me.” “Oh, so you shot an unarmed person?” “No.” “Well what the fuck?” “Fuck.”
No, that’s no acceptable on a world stage on a story this big. The administration shouldn’t have said anything beyond “he was shot and killed” until they were confident in the details.
Well they did say he grabbed one of his wives for shielding sooooo, I’m sure at that point they had no choice but to shoot him. However, they did kill her too.
yeah, you may be right…I don’t think it’s a huge deal though. That fucker is dead. That’s all that matters.
Actually, that story changed too. Now it’s she ran at them, and was shot in the leg. No human shield in the current version they’re pitching, but stay tuned because I don’t think Obama has come up with his final draft yet.
And yes, it is a big deal. It’s just like being questioned by the cops and having several different versions of an event. It makes you look you’re hiding something.
I may have a different opinion on media centers than you but you’re spot on with these IMO.
Far too big a story to be changing details and raising further suspicions. I mean they said he was killed a week ago and waited on DNA right? Could they not have used that time to “organize” the details? YES there will be skeptics even with pictures, but far more would find this credible I think. As for them not wanting to show graphic pictures…BULLSHIT. We had to watch people fucking swan dive off WTC over and over for weeks. ALL the coverage on 9/11 was surreal and insane, yet we can’t see a picture of the enemy proving he’s dead? SIGH
Idk, I’m over this already. Let’s help the people out down in Tornado alley, they sure could use it.
A couple things that may be perfectly explainable seem a bit strange to me for example something as simple as a helicoptor “breaking down” on the most critical mission in recent history, the fact that there were multiple US helis RIGHT NEXT DOOR to this big miltary complex for at least 40 minutes (see 40 minute gun fight) and Pakistan did not wonder WTF was going on, there happen to be a Cleric on board the ship to give the dirtbag a proper burial, the first story I heard on TV was that they shot and killed him with missles, there wasn’t protocal before hand on whether or not to show pictures, the list goes on and on and on, some of which gets more into interpretation.
Not one injury in a 40 minute gun fight? What are they the A-Team? lol I would like to know how many shots were fired at the Seals, just wondering.
Which is great, but we as a country have to answer to a lot more people than just you on this. I’m over it too. I don’t care if he sat there pleading for his life before they put one through his head. Good riddance to a total pile of shit, but only report one version that meets the requirements of the geneva convention, not an ever changing sequence that guarantees no one believes you.
Okay, so let our panel of idiots in Washington answer to the people that NEED to know.
If we as a country spent even 2% of the time that we do on foreign issues for our OWN country, we’d have zero issues.
It’ll get handled. We’re not going to get strongly reprimanded for killing Osama bin Laden. Slap on the wrist at most, if ANYTHING.
As for the picture thing, get over it. Bin Laden is dead. Why would our government wait 10 years to pull a conspiracy or whatever. I am glad he is dead, but I think the picture will cause more trouble than it’s worth.
Navy Seals are the best at what they do. I have no doubt that they have the self-control to not kill Bin Laden if the situation presented itself. They had orders to kill or capture. They killed him because the situation warranted it, armed or not.
I do worry about the increased pressure put on our forces though. With the upcoming summer fighting season, this could cause some problems. My brother, who is in Afghanistan now, said that the Taliban issued a war statement, a “Badar.” And they say they are going to make this the worst ever. He also said Bin Laden’s death does provide some closure and he believes that a burial at sea was the right thing to do so there is no shrine for extremists to visit.
Anyway he is dead, I am glad, and I think it will do a good amount to destroy his extremist ideals and terrorist organization. Enjoy it for a moment people, but remember we are still a nation at war.
My favorite picture. Some of the people who this meant a lot to…
…and back to the funny pictures…
LMFAO at the last one.
I thought we’ve had “permission” to kill Osama since 9/11. There was little to no collateral damage/injuries, so why is everyone questioning the legality of it?