ouch this weather sucks!

anyone else break their ice scraper this morning? lol I just did. and I hate all these people sliding around messing up traffic…

snow tires ftw! great traction even driving on a nearly solid sheet of ice!

I had the same thing happen to me last night about 4:30 on Union at the bridge just north of French Rd, heading north.

Roads had been just wet, no ice; driving in 2wd; accelerate from the light normally in the RH lane… hit the bridge, next thing I know I’m like 45° off center with cars on one side, and the concrete bridge wall on the other… Corrected; and switched to 45° the other way; then back again; then back again… then finally once I got it off the bridge (while still sliding) the front wheels hit a patch of non-ice and it hooked throwing me and everything in my truck sideways as it grabbed…

That was enough to get my heart pumping for a while. I have no issues sliding like that when it’s just me; but there was traffic everywhere…

ehhh I was fine…Drove down to the game around 5…drove back when it finished and I didnt have any problems…

hope you guys enjoyed your ice rink

“those icicles have been known to kill people”

Nope. Both the car and the suv were in the garage last night. All the ice that was on them from the ride home yesterday was just a puddle on the floor by this morning. :pimp:

Note to self… Do not park near light posts during ice storms. Hope you have glass coverage.

It’s nice and warm here in my house. I decided to avoid the chaos and work from home.

Ha, the chaos was yesterday and it was fine driving in today, but can’t blame you for using it as an excuse to work from home.

My car was iced shut. Remote starter would not start and the South GI bridge is still backed up. I made the right decision.

For some sick reason I found the drive to work rather fun. :slight_smile:

^ must be nice. 20MPH the entire way on the 90 and 33 makes me want to burn things.

Cheektowaga to the Falls everyday, I just took city streets instead of that mess. No fun at all that way.

ugh it only took me a hour and half to get from Williamsville to HSBC arena this morning…stupid slow drivers.

The only thing I don’t like about this weather are the number of T1/3 customers we have in WI/MI that are down right now!!!

my 07’ with 4 snows is close to the best thing I have driven in the snow. not counting AWD and 4WD