Our gun rally caused 60K in lawn damage at the capital.

I completely understand how press works. And I could give a fuck about $12 actual dollars. What you’re assuming is that the press is suddenly going to swing to our side because WE ALL GAVE $12 TO THIS FUCKING AWESOME CAUSE. Idiot. The press is on their side, otherwise there would’ve been more news about the rally in general instead of “oh they cost 60k”. Noones going to see the good from it because THE PRESS isn’t going to cover it.

First of all WE didn’t cause any damage. This should be added to the already astronomical expense of the unSAFE ACT. If there were no safe act, there wouldn’t have been a protest. Gun owners didn’t DO anything.

Bottom line - I"ll flush $12 “for the cause” before I give it to any god damn government agency that is in the process of stripping my rights. How the fuck do you not see the lack of logic in that.