do you not understand how press works?
I failed to see anything but negativity towards US in that article. Nowhere in there did it say anything to the effect of “Yeah they caused all this damage, but your tax money we already took will cover this, so its no big deal we just wanted to let you all know whats going on.” No. they didnt. Its an attempt at rubbing salt into the wounds. All it will do is the people that read the paper and already dont like us “gun nuts” is give them more ammunition (pun intended) to badmouth us and say we are a bunch of clowns who only care about out guns.
I completely agree, we did pay for this repair already. But holy TDIlogic its $12 fucking dollars, you would spend on 2 fucking beers at the pub worthlessly, that could be about the easiest POSSITIVE PRESS for our fight against idiotic government actions and the press that supports them.
If someone puts up a fucking paypal donation system right now, I will put in $50 to cover your “choice”.