Out of state kills...

well i was in pa this weekend visiting the old crew…and ran into a couple weiners on the way down…

  1. black 944 turbo…followed him on the highway, he went, i chased, passed and waved…goodbye…
  2. black 24v vr6(1999) Gti… he pulled up next to me…he slowed to 35 in 2nd…i brake boosted…he lost by 3-4 cars…then i slowed down…ended up seeing him again…he is cam’d/chipped/intake/exhaust/clutch/ flywheel
  3. my friends R32…he wanted to see what my vig could do…so he took off trying to outrun me entering the highway…i stayed with him until 4th when he missed a shift and i passed him…he has an AWE intake/chip/exhaust…
    –we then raced from a dig and he smoked me,i just sat and roasted my tires…tisk tisk…
    …oh and my friends and i had a photoshoot this weekend…ill post them up tomorrow.

the person with the GTI doesnt go to Gannon in Erie by any chance, does he?

if it was a 99 gti its a 12v vr6. the 24v are 2002 and up.

i was just gonna say. nice kills anyways

i thought you lost your license

i did. i have it until march 29 unconditionally, and then i lose it for a year…but i am eligible for a conditional license…soo. its not the end of the world, but it will keep me from beating the crap out ofmy car…except for maybe a track day once or twice…

Aren’t out of state kills = An imaginary girlfriend that lives in Canada? No vids no care! :wink: j/k Good work chris!