Outdoor Karting at CVMP: "The Battle Continues" - [FINAL DATE Saturday 10/17]

thats a possibility

FML i cant im going to a wedding on that saturday fuckkkkkkkkk

i still might go to gpny tho vlad

okay good to hear steve :smiley:

no prob thought you’d like to know :retardclap

Sorry it messed things up for you… I’ve edited the list…

Keep me on the list, Im still down! Saterday works out better anyways! :thumbup

Great news man… This is gonna be an AWESOME event.

im deff still down! sat is even better for me!

Since this is a saturday event. I am down. Looks like I’ll be meeting you guys. I’m going to ask my friend if he’d like to join. When do I/we pay?

its ok i’lll have to just get plastered at the wedding

Added you to the main attendee list on the 1st page. Glad you can make it…

Would you mind deleting your list so as not to confuse people? That way there’s only one list on this thread on page 2? Thanks!

put it on pg 1 ! :lol

A mod musta done it for me, but yeah that’s cool.

When do we pay for this? At the place or do you want money before hand?

We’re racing for slips… Just bring your title, no lien.

ok seriously, we will pay there. Payment must be in cash.


That’s fine. I’ll bring a Benjamin or two.

I would go to GPNY on the 18th.

My friend says he’s down to go…but he’s the kind of person who could bail last second…so…I tried to get as much of a definite answer out of him as I could.

ya i got it out of there for ya

DUDE i hope the list is the one on the first page, not second

we got 4 spots left, i dont know if anyone else is serious about going, if it gets close to 2 or 1 left, then i would say we cant count on your friend but for now it could be a safe bet he can come, even tho hes shaky on the show up

That’s fine. Let me know.

I understand that members go first.

its not even so much, its cuz hes not reliable, but I think , we are getting pretty close, it doesnt seem like we are going to have a bunch of people tryin to jump on this now, since especially the date was changed and alot of people backed out LOL