Outdoor Karting at CVMP: "The Battle Continues" - [FINAL DATE Saturday 10/17]

Well he told me this morning he’ll go. But I know him as a ‘do-everything-last-second-cause-I-hate-planning-ahead-in-life’ kind of guy so we’ll see.

YO singh a ling…

You wanna ride up with me homeboy?

Updated list to reflect PMs I’ve received about people being still in or dropping out…

Big thanks to the Phantom Editor too, aka Singh :thumb

Just three more weeks, we got a good crew heading out- This event is gonna be NICE!

prepare to have your faces punchasized - for free.

I will be strapping a stinky moose carcus to the back of your cart without your knowledge

And it will fall off and I will be the first to hit a moose carcass…

With a rental kart because I’m just that slow yO.

ya i was gonna tell ya , im gonna be riding up with you…we’ll have to bump some new tracks im working on :smiley:

what car you taking ?

Well prolly steal the exploder again

Just throw in for some gas and were good to go…

fucking thing sucks on gas and my grand prix sucks dick period…

and +1 on tracks

all that would accomplish is make my dust smell horrible, which the rest of you WILL be eating. :rofl:rofl

shit talking is fun!

Yeah, but will you back it up big boI!?!?


prolly not. lol

how far away is this place i might wanna go, and pops might wanna come fuck shit up too

Please see the first page, all information is there.

If you want to join in after reading the details… Please reply here or PM me, thanks!

good now i goitta google map the shit ughhhh fuck youuuu!!!

I figured you may want to read other details such as schedule, cost, format, in addition to location. If that’s too much work, well, I don’t know what to do for ya man!

i did read that…you could clifnote it for everyone haha

Yeah well there is a summary at the end.

fuck me right?

no worries just take it off your tab

:rofl no really if you are strapped i got u as usual

So you signing on or what? Let us know so we can update!! I’m going to contact the owner tomorrow and let him know how many we have coming.

Will also come up with a format next week for the gridded race(s).