ovech called up to the dolphins....

i know its fake, but as a fan/player, to me funny as hell… its so true too cause no one outside of hockey fans understand the damn game lol



ugh… i thought it was funny lol

see… ive always lived in hockey towns till i got here… NO ONE understands the game here… the way he was explaining him playing is how someone down south would explain it… guess its funnier to me cause im not surrounded by actual fans anymore

eh yea that is true…anywhere past north carolina people are always like uhhh yea i follow hockey…and then have a blank stare on their face…they couldnt tell u about offsides, the penalties or rules in general…i guess i missed the point of the video then…if it was making fun of people for not watching hockey then :bigblap: lol


thats how it was when i was living in tampa. When the sabres played them and we went, it was like being @ HSBC. IT was great

its just funny cause its one of the most storied sports but no one understands it… hell if you look at the scroll bar on the espn.com, its listed after womens midget yard mowing… it just cracked me up all the stereotypes that were said

:bigclap: hhahahahahahah thats friggn great, i must have missed it :lol:


Hockey > football.