Ovechkin 124Million dollar deal

Contracts like this are not good for the league…oh well…

Why does anyone need an agent?

o man, LOLZ

agreed, look at baseball (although they don’t have a cap either)

[quote=2TurboZ;797568]Its hard to argue the Vanek deal wasnt a knee jerk reaction to losing briere and drury.

Its also hard to look at vanek as being worth his deal.[/quote]

well said.

Agreed, but if you ask the agents this they would say, “we could have gotten him more”.

Anyone know how much agents typically make when signing a player to this type of contract?

he is honestly the best player in the game today with a close race behind him with crosby, malkin, gaborik,lecavalier,kane.

hes well worth it at the moment, hopefully he doesnt pull a vanek

uhh…unless I’m reading this incorrectly…the NHL now has a cap.

This is horrible for the league, i don’t thing we are far from seeing sponsors on jerseys like the european leagues.

yea i was thinking the same thing, maybe he worded that wrong lol

I meant that baseball doesn’t have one, opposed to the NHL. Teams with $$$ can buy their star players, where the poor cities are pretty much SOL unless they get someone who doesn’t care about $$$ as much (fat chance these days)

guess I should of picked better wording :stuck_out_tongue:

Hockey needs national coverage to keep up with these salaries…and that won’t happen.

Ovechkin > Crosby



Ovechkin is a finisher… great goal scorer… but does not create plays and have the ridic value as crosby does…

2 different types of players…goal scorer …and playmaker…i just think ovechkin is more dynamic…he can hit, pass, and score with the best of them…and so can crosby but crosby is more of a playmaker forward…similar to a jason speza and joe thornton.

4 goals for alex tonight :tup:


I don’t know if looking like this is worth $100M


LOL he rules