Overheard in New York / Office


similar to textsfromlastnight and fmylife.

Not as funny, but some comedic value for a slow workday.

Crazy, loud hobo on train, repeating: “Jesus” is a six letter word! “666” means the devil! So, Jesus is the devil!
Fed-up passenger: Hey asshole, “Jesus” is 5 letters, not six!
Crazy hobo, pensive: Well, shit, there goes my whole argument.

–5 Train

Dirty old hobo to passing tourist girl: Mmm, mmm, mmm… I could eat for three days off your fat pussy.
Tourist girl: I’m not fat!
Dirty old hobo: No, but your pussy sure is.
Tourist girl, rushing away: I’m gonna cry.

and there’s also overheard in the office


Cube rat #1: Oh! (inhales deeply) I love that smell! Do you smell it?
Cube rat #2: No. What smell?
Cube rat #1: Skunk! I love the smell of skunk!
Cube rat #2: It is the middle of winter…there aren’t any skunks this time of year.
Cube rat #1: You know, you’re right. Hmmmm, I wonder…
Cube rat #2: I just farted.
Cube rat #1: Are you kidding me? You mean I have been standing here enjoying your fart?
Cube rat #2: Um… (pause) Yeah, guess so!

Fairbanks, Alaska

Black coworker #1: So I’m trying to end the conversation and rush in my house! Did you think he saw them?
Blonde coworker #2: Of course he saw them! You got the jumbo box of Magnum condoms! Miss “I’m-going-to-save-the-environment, no-I-don’t need-a-bag-for-my-inappropriate-groceries!”

Boston, Massachusetts

overheard everywhere else


Crazy bag lady, loudly: I don’t suck dick for pussy! I don’t suck dick for pussy! I don’t suck dick for pussy!
(sits down next to another passenger on the subway)
Crazy bag lady, now in passenger’s face: I don’t suck dick for pussy!
(female passenger gets up and moves)
Crazy bag lady: Why you jumping? Why you jumping, bitch!? You weren’t jumpin’ last night when that guy put his long ass dick in you last night!
Female passenger: Excuse me, ma’am, don’t say that to me! You don’t know me!
(subway train stops)
Conductor: City Hall station!
Female passenger: Excuse me, sir, there’s a crazy lady on the subway harassing the other passengers.
Conductor: Oh, could you point her out to me?
(female passenger points to crazy woman yelling)
Conductor: Ma’am, are you bothering people?
Crazy bag lady: Why you tryin’ to fuck me standing up!? Why don’t you fuck me lying down like a gentleman!
Conductor: Ma’am, I’m calling the police.

Broad Street Line Subway
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania