If the rad cap blew off like that then its definitely a head gasket that is the only way it could build that much pressure that quick.
^. I dislike how logical this sounds. Fuck.
Is this thread still going on? Puhhhh-leeeaaassseeee.
Go eat a taco^ So… Sr?
After the engine has ran for a while and the cooling system has pressurized, turn it off and wait a minute. If within the minute of not running, the hot system has bled the pressure, it’s leaking out somewhere (cylinders/oil passages…).
Buy my KA It runs perfect, no leaks, no overheating problems, no blown HG
Just a thought, let me knonw
lol.,…then hes gonna have to bleed it again
^^ lmao, jackass.
Wonger, as pretty as your motor is, it’s out of my price range. I was actually looking at that thread last night
damnn. I’ve had 3 people say “I WILL TAKE IT GIVE ME A WEEK” and they call and say sorry I dont want it