
mad he posted your picture?

Kinda pissed off considering i look bad in that picture… i have better ones i swear.

ha ha ha ha… stfu

kinda looked like your girl to me.

i don’t have a girl, i have men. duh.

and your GFs myspace is…

You people suck at searching

She’s cute

My thoughts exactly.

y his maturity is just at a 17 year olds age. josh i have nothing against you but that letter was pretty fucking stupid. i dunno


Like I said earlier in the thread…I know it was stupid…but I was bored and felt like arguring with the dumb bitch. Go ahead and close the thread for all I care lol…bothers me none.

this is the kind of thread that u look back on and say “i regret opening this thread in sooo many ways”. because now the people that dont even know u think u are a total retard…
Meh, the people that know me in real life like me and know that I joke about everything. I could really care less if the people on here think im a retard because the ones who have met me know I’m not.

Huh? Is yours 17 too?


I think your the drama queen, you also bring way too much shit from the “forum” to real life, and vice versa.

BTW - Fallen Angel’s profile says she is 18.

^^id hit it :tup: hot freaky chicks rock :lol: prolly freaky in the sack too :tup: again

Hey asshole…thats my fucking gf. DIAF mother fucker. Im not joking either, I am dead fucking serious.

eh, he does have a valid point…

that should be just about enough of this gay thread. would a mod please do us all a favor and CLOSE THIS THREAD…

have fun.

yes please close and delete thread.

:lol: its kind of a compliment :lol: you make me laugh, dont start a fucking retarded thread next time and you wont get comments such as my assholish one

ps, i am going to go pour 5 gallons of gas on myself and smoke a ciggarette, since you told me die in a fire :tup: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol @ this thread
