owner of flashlight drags

hello everyone, im one of the owners of the flashlight drags. my name is turk.

i thought i would jump on here to answer some questions and take care of some whining.

howdy. i’ve heard of these flashlight drags. i’d like to check them out…

first of all…


second of all

I have a question that no one seems to be able to answer for me…
What makes the difference between the “street car” class and the “big dogs”? obviously the big dogs are faster, but is there like a black and white rule that makes a certain car a big dog/street car?

umm welcome ?..

i would wait and talk about the FLD after u get 5 post and can venture on to the sections of the forum…there is already a thread about the FLD

welcome…took you long enough… oh and thanks for my hoodie that only took a year to get :smiley:

lets let the hoodie thing go. ok

ya i was asked by many if there were changes this year. just here to clear things up. not going to hang much. cant wait to get thru this 5 post thing

are you planning on wearing it or did you cut it up for rags?


welcome looking forward to goign to FLD this year

Hey Turk, Welcome!


you mean you founded the FLD. you can’t own an event :smiley:

welcome :beer: