Oy vey...


Actually, a lot of parents who home school end up giving their kids a much better education than they would ever get at public school.


What do you consider an education, Public schools teach so much more about social interactions, and I’m a strong believer in learning from experience.

If there is no interactions and mistakes how can someone learn. Sure they can be great at spelling every fucking word in the dictionary, and have college paid for, but what skills will they actually learn.

Public relations, customer service, all stem from good communication skills, where will this home schooled kid actually excell in the work force. Especially, when lots of promotions are from who you know, as oppose to what you know.

I for one will toss my kid in a public school

edit: And who is to say the mother/father/what ever will be a good teacher, providing a well rounded life that everyone should have…

I remember when this kid won the contest and talked to stuart scott, he had no idea who he was for one, and when asked about what sports he liked… I think his response was like " I like chess" The kid is sheltered, sports are the devil, and the parents should be ashamed that they put their kid through that, but at least he won a spelling bee :bloated: He’s deprived in my honest opinion