what so i can watch the BCS screw ND even if they did have a great season? i’ve come to realize ND is like my central vikings… they are pretty much hated by everyone that is jealous of them. while i dont have a leg to stand on with nd this year i can say they are under the most scrutiny of any team in the country… people hate them because they were smart enough to get their own tv contract, their own licencing. ND got shafted in 93 for the national championship, why should i think it wouldnt happend with the OH SO great BCS.

like i said… i’d take pitt beat WVU over anything except a spot in the national championship game… cause basically, other than money the rest of the BSC games don’t mean shit. gone are the days of …let say #1 vs a #5 in the cotton and #2 vs #4 in the orange and tryin to make a good showin in hopes of jumping teams in the final standings.

oh here ya go http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/s_541150.html

I thought by now there would have been enough of these threads to know I went to Penn State which most likely makes me about as biased in opinion as the Pitt guys just in the opposite direction.

I really do miss the days of PSU v. WVU and PSU v. Pitt though as any such discussions of who sucks could always reference something concrete and at most a year before.

I figured that’s where you went. Sorry to hear.

I hope you enjoy your teams next 5 plus years with Joe Pa coaching… if he gets his way!!! LOL

recruiting wars are on! Pitt scored cam saddler and more are about to come… the win was soooo big for the program.


Listen, dislocation and a break, I don’t care what you tape it to, what you do to it, it hurts. Nonetheless, you play.

You def haven’t played QB. I’m not even sure you played competitive football they way you are so cavalier about how something works for a finger, but obviously wouldn’t work for a thumb.

No matter what, any pressure on a dislocated joint is going to cause pain. But you play through it, damn it. Especially if you want to go to the national championship game. Ronnie Lott cut his fuckin’ finger off, White could have played with a dislocated thumb.

while i agree in theory i dis agree that white should have gone back in the game. you have a more than capable back up. at that point in the game they needed to throw and brown is a better thrower than white. white is a better runner but not by a ton. white mentally was screwed up… he was probably tryin to do to much because he had it in his head he was hurt… adrenaline was flowing even more than it normally would with the game onthe line and he threw the ball like 10 yards out of bounds. If he wasn;t hurt its hard to be in the situation he was in at that point in the game… being hurt made it worse. i mean this isnt like tommy lasorda taking a chance in game 1 of the world series puttin a hurt kirk gibson in to pinch hit, they still had more games if they had lost. this was more like jim kelly gettin hurt against the oilers and frank reich bringing them back for the win. jim kelly was cleared to come back in but levy made the right call sticking with his capable back up. Pat white was not the teams best option to make a comeback.

Yeah I bet him hearing about the kicker being taunted at WVU did not help. Pitt has been recruiting some good players the past 1-2 seasons with Dave at the top. McCoy is a prime example.

No shit it hurts. My point was you bust up one of your fingers you can tape it up to an adjoining one and it is pretty much there for the ride as the other three fingers can pick up the stress for the most part. Still have pain but can function for the most part. The same doesn’t work for a thumb. Try to grab something without using your thumb, doesn’t work too well. Yes he could have been playing with the thumb. would it have affected his passing, no. Might it have affected taking snaps, even out of the shotgun, yes. Would it have made him much more likely to fumble the ball on a run, definitely. Anyone who would disagree with any of those points obviously never even picked up a football, let alone ever played.

The game was close and their backup did have experience of sorts so risking playing a hobbled White only became more of an option as the game wound down. The experience the backup did have in mop up type play was nowhere near the situtation he was tossed into against Pitt which was obviously a much higher pressure situation with a different game plan compared to winding out a game already well in hand.

they did good with mccoy but i think mccoy gettin a compound fracture his senior year helped a lot… miami changed their mind so he went the military school route more so because he hadn’t graduated high school… that is why he wont be able to pull a larry fitzgerald on pitt. he wont be 3 years from his high school certification by the end of his sophmore year.

i didn’t hear about the kicker getting taunted but what about the fumble by white and the fumble by brown… those were pathetic compared to missed kicks… WVU students are pretty fuckin gay bandwagoneers anyway.