No better off?

Take the top 5 big east football programs against the top 5 big 10 programs from this year. The big 10 programs have more total wins, higher attendance, sellouts, TV money, etc. Seems better to me.

as for OSU, they may very well get stomped by LSU, this was considered a rebuilding year for OSU. (Personally I don’t like OSU nor the system that put them in the title game. This year especially screams for a playoff or at least something better than the present system).

Personally I don’t really care what a bunch of sports people did before I was born. Being born in the mid seventies I really only started following sports and pulling for certain teams since about 1980.

One team playing like shit so that a shitty team has a chance is not necessarily a “good game” that people like to watch (unless you happen to be cheering for the shitty team).

A close score from either two good teams playing good or an underdog playing like gods for a day makes for much more of a good game in the eyes of most.

u must think pitt had nothing to do with WVU’s ineffectiveness?

i’m sure then you never talk of the steelers dynasty. :bluez28:

A busted up thumb had a lot to do with WVU’s ineffectiveness as well as WVU (although overrated) in general playing less than what they usually bring.

Actually I don’t. Although the last Steelers teams I cheered for were the ones with guys from those days still on them (Bradshaw, Harris, etc.).

wow thats really gay you wont give Pitt credit for shutting WVU down. while the stats show they didnt do what they usually do do you really think they weren’t trying? WVU’s back up isn’t too much of a drop off from pat white… he’s not the runner pat is but still good… He brought them back against uconn last year… Pat white’s thumb may or may not have had an impact. maybe he fumbles 4 times and pitt destroys them, maybe he runs for 4 td’s and they kill pitt. its a moot point. its part of the game. I didn;t see anything wrong with slaton’s thumb… Pitt brought it and borught it BIG TIME. They were out coached and out played.

The thumb had nothing to do with it…first off he wasnt doing shit before that, 2nd it was his non throwing hand, and 3rd that faggot does not even throw the ball anyways. If White was 100% the outcome would have been the same.

You can argue they didn’t bring what they usually do, but at the same time Pitt played some awesome D…so I don’t want to take away from that. That entire game WVU flat out got outplayed!!

Losing the player that carried the team for the most part and averaged 161 yards rushing over the previous 4 games against 4 of the top 5 teams in the conference obviously had a bit to do with it. Look at how well Oregon has faired since losing their QB from their spread attack offense.

you are basically saying its all white and none of slaton? dennis dixon didn’t have steve slaton in his backfield and they also didnt have a back up QB capable of running that type of offense… bad comparison. if i recall brown had a few nice runs including one for a TD. pat white doesn’t carry WVU, he’s only part of it. brown was equipped to run the spread because he gets in a lot of games when WVU is blowing teams out.

Try taking snaps or protecting a ball while running with a busted up thumb. Not too much fun and likely to lead to fumbles. Hell if the WVU kicker did what he did all season they still would have put up enough points on Pitt to win. As previously mentioned, WVU was way overrated and Pitt proved it. It was the only time in my life I cheered for Pitt as I enjoyed seeing the ranking system being shown for the joke it is. (I also enjoyed watching Kansas get knocked out the week before).

In case you were not watching the game, he wasn’t doing $#!T before he had his little thumb thing. And when did did come back in his thumb injury ON HIS NON-THROWING ARM looked like it did not affect his running. The few times he went to run he was just tackled in the open field. Pitts D was awesome and WVU couldn’t gain yardage. The /

pitt was winnign by 6 before they took the safety… mcafee missed two… thats come out to 13-13… but also remember connor lee missed one too… he’s pretty automatic as well. 16-13 PITT.

If my aunt had a set of balls she’d be my uncle.

When exactly does WVU QB’s take snaps? Oh, that’s right, they don’t! They take everything in the shot gun.

Ever played with a dislocated finger/thumb?

It hurts, sure, but you tape it up and play. I dislocated and broke my ring finger and never missed a play. And I was playing WR and DB and was using my hands a hell of a lot more than White.

They lost, and that is it. The biggest choke artist on that team is Rodriguez. Slaton has got to touch the ball more than 8 times.

McCoy touched it 38 times. That is exactly why Pitt won.

Good points…and McCoy>Slayton

besides being taped up i’m sure they shot all kinda good stuff into his thumb. Rodriguez was fuckin retarded for puttin white back in the game at that point anyway.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree as the could have’s and should have’s could go on forever. Thankfully Pitt won the game so the crazy calls and no calls by the refs did not really mess with the outcome.

Good thing Pitt can now turn their focus to the bowl game so they can show what they can do outside of the Big East :moon:

i’ll take knockin a fuckin rival out of the national championship over a bowl game anyday… its college… beating rival > bowl game. atleast from a fan stand point… i 'm not gonna see bowl money so what do i care.

Last I checked a snap still comes back when in the shotgun, not going to stress anything as bad as a regular snap but still something that requires a good sense of touch to handle, something that is definitely impaired with a bad finger.

Also, when you bust up a ring finger or damn near anything other than a thumb you can just tape it up with another finger and be pretty much nearly as good to go. Doesn’t work for a thumb.

you’re also not going to see either of your 2 favorite college teams playing until next fall. Which is also a shame to not get to see ND lose in a bowl yet again, tis a holiday tradition.

Just out of curiosity where did you go to college Hycomp?