The video. check it out


Fast server. I like. 1min and a half to d/l. Will edit with my thoughts shortly!

[edit] Timeline anim = awesome. Great sideways action footage too. Only thing about it was the sound got really f’ed up sometimes… it would crack and pop. Maybe it’s me. Regardless… good sh*t.

thats pretty serious work man good job

sweet vid
you should have ended it with “whoever said progress was a slow process wasnt talkin’ about me, i’m a p-i-m-p”

but otherwise :salut:

I want to know how you did the parts with the squares and all that fancy stuff.

amazing man!

and yeah, premiere is known for crappy rendering and stuff like that. I use to use it, but then i switched to Final Cut because thats what i use at school, and i must say its much better…but i hate using macs. :frowning:

nice filming, editing and driving man!

The Guys a P.I.M.P that’s how…

Sick Video Dude… :wink:

Oh The Memories of the Panda… :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow… At least now you know i am going to be the one stealing your s14 :wink:

Thanks guys!

For the editing between clips i made a big file in photoshop (like 4000 pixels wide) which was the whole grid, and i used keyframes in premirer to scale / rotate / move anchor point to get the effect that you were travelling along some sort of path. I’m gonna try a couple other things in premiere pretty soon I just enjoy editing to learn some new stuff every now and then (usually when i hear a pimp song that i just need to see in a video)

For the tach/speedo i just made the white box outlines in photoshop, and the red bar as a seperate file, and used premire to move anchor point with keyframes. Its not perfect but its pretty close.

That was nice, good work dude. :thumleft: