PA adopting CA emissions?

Let the truckers go on strike, then I can finally drive a decent speed on the highway without them fucks going 2 wide at 18mph up a 4 mile hill.

I really don’t care about emissions. My daily drivers will be newer cars that will pass easily and my toy cars will always be too old to need emission testing. :smiley:


Freaking morons, what did they think he was going to do?

He already raised taxes. He wants to make this state like Cali, but without the beaches, hot girls, and nice cars and roads. Ok basically we’ll just have high taxes, expensive gas, ridiculous emissions and bigger government.

Register Libertarian!

I agree, but the only other choice at the time was Swann. Talk about a lose lose situation. :hsugh:

exactly were are you gonna drive with no gas since it is delivered by truck?


I guess I’ll just have to plug in my electric car, because thats all rendell wants you to have anyway. Then I don’t need the gas or the truckers, and hell it won’t matter if you are going 18MPH, my electric car only goes 12, safety first you know…

what are you going to do if all the computer nerds up and quit? What are you going to do if all the doctors up and quit? truckers do a job like everyone else, I hate hearing how if the truckers quit the world will stop. there are a lot of jobs that are far more important than some hillbilly driving a truck around and delivering stuff. 99% of the population can drive, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to refill the trucker workforce. IMO

Unless your getting your electricty for your car from the wind or a dam, its not going to be more efficient than reformulated gasoline. Where do you think the engery to make electricty comes from? You have to look at the whole scheme of things. Everything that goes into creating the electricity

At this point nothing(maybe fuel cells one day) is more efficeint than gas. The most inefficent part is getting the oil out of the ground. It’ll be tough to top that.

Should be interesting to see how things pan out in the next 10 years or so. But at this point I don’t think electric cars will make it. Look at the GM EV1. As soon as california realized that using electric might not be as efficient as thought they dropped all support of the car and GM took a huge loss.

does this mean our cars will have 5 less HP than the rest of the world?

i always said penn state was a faggot school…figures they offer a faggot class like that… fucken tree huggin cock suckers.

i agree that there are some hillbilly truckers out there but there are just as many well educated drivers as well. 99% of the driving population can’t handle a 3500 pound car without having an accident, so im sure they couldn’t handle an 80,000 pound more point . the defecit of drivers in this country is 90,000 as it stands ,so yea it would be real easy to fill rest of the empty trucks.

I’m not worried about them all quitting, but I’m smart enough to understand that the tougher/more expensive we make their jobs, the more expensive the goods they deliver will become. It doesn’t matter who is driving the damn truck, it’s how much it costs to operate them, which is reflected in the goods. It’s sort of like min wage…it just puts the economic strain elsewhere, it doesn’t fix anything.

I’d rather have the truckers quit and pay $5 for a gallon of milk instead of $4, instead of have all the doctors quit and go to the hospital to find it closed…:eek2:

If PA doesn’t do anything about the malpractice insurance, you wont have any doctors left in PA.

And, just for the record, how are you getting to the store to get your $5.00 a gallon milk without the truckers???

Worst thing about this is. The states are following each other and nothing is federal issued :rolleyes:

I been hearing the strike since i started back in august, I do fore see it before summer. It has nothing to do with the trucking unions either. Makes it even funnier :rofl:

your right it wouldn’t take much to refill the spots.The turnover rate in trucking is crazy high as it is. When your waiting for fuel and a ton of other junk. while thier in schooling / training for a few weeks i want to see your patience~

next time you see a big rig parked and have the chance, walk up to the tractor drivers door and look behind. that “99%” would go :eek:

I wouldn’t go on strike. Thats just more drop and hooks for me :blue:

From my understanding if the EPA loses its case against Mass. in the supreme court and has to regulate greenhouse gases. Then in 2010 it will all be regulated by the federal gov. Even in California(unless they make greenhouse gases regulated first)

More Fed control is not good.
