Pacific Mall experience, HALARIOUS

tattoos? where the hell did you see that? lol the only thing with needles you’d prolly see in that area is an acupuncturist lolz but if you’re talking about a tattoo place near there, you’re thinkin about century plaza but that place has been closed for a good while heh

aahhh the video got removed…booo

mhmm we gotta go again soon times…my hello kitty wallet broke : (


yea there is a tattoo place in p mall…ive seen it before! lol

but i mean its not the only mall u can get tattoos in…i know of others…or another

the tatoo place is all da way down to the far left of the mall … then walk up and ull pass by it on ur right side…

lol shorteaz lemme know when you go haha i wanna come with you guys, stupid 240 -_-" at least i found a new motor…or enough parts to put it together like lego hahaha

in any case, call me and lemme know heh