paintball every thursday

i know people have been buying and sellin guns on here latley, so i just wanted eveyone to know that every Thursday at either 11am or 4pm me and like 7 or 8 friends play some 4v4. we play down by the water near the Pier. just wantin to know if anyone else is up for it? send me a IM at llink78 or a PM here, we are always looking for more people

hmm the old pier bar?

i’ve been there, heard ppl played paintball there, i’m might be down with some people one of these days

Where is this pier?

its down off Rt5 by the skyway, tonight we just got done playin in Concrete Central, had a nice 4v4 for like 3 1/2 hours, we also play on Saturdays now same time either 11am or 4pm, and still on thursdays

ill be down next week on thursday possibly.I work at 8pm though

what kind of ruleset do you guys play while your out there

and any control on the fps of the guns or not? have a chrono?

and have you ever gotten hastled by the cops down there(have an expensive setup and do not need it taken by the popo)

no the cops have never hastled us EVER, we mostly play a 4v4 teams your hit your out. its the honor system and it works well with who we play with. we play Capture the flag and and first team will all your players dead loses. 87ConquestTSi if your really down to play give me a IM or call me at LLink78 name is Tom. u can meet me here at my house like at 330 then we all leave around then to go to the site.and no we dont have a Chrono but most of the guns are set around 1/2 power.

i might be in for this next week, too much going on atm

how many balls do you guys eat up and tanks?

well just this Thursday i used a 20oz tank and still had a lil left, i also bring a 9oz incase someone runs out. and for balls me and a buddy went through 1500, but i shoot at everything, im kinda trigger happy. Dicks sells 2000 for 40 so if u wanna play id say we could split that, $20 each

what time tomorrow are you guys playing?I might be able to make it

wow 1500 for 4 hours of playing?

i’ll go thro almost 1000 in a game sometimes lol

and for air, i take a scuba tank with me with the refill station, so i’m never out of air

lol when its only 4v4 the games only last so long till everyone is Hit. you deff sound like u wanna play so hit me up on AIM sometime, and we are playin tomarrow at 430, but i dont know if im gunna be able to play tomarrow, i work till 330 and still need to refill my tank and buy balls… but im deff playin on Thursday at 4

im down for next thursday

next week i could be down :slight_smile:

i’ll let ya know

ok GUys on Thursday its whitched to 1pm instead of 4. if anyone wants to play call me at 826-4213 or give me a IM at llink78

1pm booo, i work till 5, earliest i could get out there is 6pm

crap, do u work till 5 every thursday?


anywhere between 5-6 on thurs