Painting glass

or vinyl the red parts black…

OR…you can shut the hell up with that idea cause its stupid!

does that mr2 say “super edition”? or supra edition? lol

Paint wont stick to glass, at least for a long duration of time. And for what youd pay to get it “done right”, it wouldnt be worth it just to have it blow off in a 2’X2’ sheet once you hit 70.

Just my .02

You would be better off having some one fab metal ttops that you can color match

Dear Giraffe,

Please follow my next instructions carefully and do this the correct way.

#1 proceed to a printer of graphics shop
#2 ask them to see their pantone color swatch book and bring that out to the eeeeeeeeeeMR2
#3 match one of the pantone shades/hues to your cars paint and record the number
#4 Ask shop employee if that color is availible in calendar/sign vinyl
a. if it is purchase a small 24"xXX" long vinyl
b. if it is not have them print this color on a large sheet of white printable vinyl and laminate it with 9+ year UV protective laminate
#5 take saved money and buy me lunch
#6 apply vinyl to T tops

Homo-erotically love always

to paint the glass, you would have to sand blast it to 80 grit or something to frost it to give the paint a shot in hell to stick to.

how about pop the glass out, give it to me, we make a fiberglass repop of it and paint that. or knock something out of sheet metal.

Yea the only way to paint them is to make new ones. Save your self the money and just wrap them in vinyl

Guess I’ll have to do this.

Won’t this be a matte finish though??

No they can have it some what shiney

Apparently that’s a vinyl roof, so if it has that gloss and matches the rest of my roof that should suffice.

Ron, PM me your number, I think I have it but am too lazy to go to the garage where my phone is.