well the thing is when you go to sell it, people will love everything except your custom painted interior. i found a perfect bodied civic on autotrader and the only thing that kept me from buying it was the hideous painted interior. i hope it looks good for your sake, but imho it’s never a good idea.

is your interior tan? it looks tan in your sig. that will almost certainly look bad. like, worse than if you had black interior, which would still be bad.

yeah, I was 16 once too…

yeah so lets take this depriciating asset that ive read in other threads that you still happen to owe on. and then lets lower the resale more.:bloated:

Wow, awesome, thanks for telling us. Now dont do it.


i love how everyone on NYspeed hates everything that anyone does lol, its like a community of senile old men sometimes, but hey, i couldve done worse, i was thinking about triming it out with pink head light film and maybe some sparco seats with matching pink harnesses…oh wait… (not calling out newman, just proving a point)


yea but everyone humps the fuck out of newman, so its ok for him to do shit like that



x 8 zillion

Paint can look nice done right, but everytime white is done it usually looks like shit on top of rice. Unless you are special and have the ability to be the one person in the world to pull this off and make it look right.

NYSpeed smashing down n00bs…who don’t fit the mold.

Spray PAINT or spray DYE?

If the latter, I’ve done it, and it can look pretty good.
If the former, ehhhhhhhhh


i love how everyone on NYspeed hates everything that anyone does lol, its like a community of senile old men sometimes, but hey, i couldve done worse, i was thinking about triming it out with pink head light film and maybe some sparco seats with matching pink harnesses…oh wait… (not calling out newman, just proving a point)


there is a differance in what newman does to be stupid and funny and people laugh @ it… to what your doing, that everyhighschool kid who can pop out an airvent can do with 20 minutes of time, and will look like complete CRAP in 2 months… but its your car so good luck

who cares, he will learn from his mistakes

whats wrong with painting the interior, i painted the ttype interior all white, it looks hot

I like it, it’s hot post pics!

you should put stickers on the side of your car next so it can look faster.

oh and

  • bodykit

holy shit everyone get off your high horses. let it go already. we were all there once

this site is starting to turn into UBRF all over again


holy shit everyone get off your high horses. let it go already. we were all there once


:word: At least he’s not dumping money on a fart can. We were all at the “Sweet I have a car now what can I do to it?” phase once.

last time i checked, i was 18, a freshman in college, with no money (unlike everyone else apparently) to mod out a sweet ride, so guess what? I bought a convertible with my money that i worked for, and so everyone knows, its mine so dont choke on a fucking hairball that its not paid off, my fucking grandpa paid for the difference so last time i checked i wasnt bound to some retarded bank contract, and as for the paint, i took my time and it looks fine, yes, it was crack eventually and shit of that nature, but its not much to remove the pieces and refinish them, and as for reselling the car, last time i checked im not selling this car anytime soon, with 68k on the car and no rust? why would i? i bought it to drive it, and thats how its gonna be, and im not ricing it out, this is my daily driver, why would i waste my time/money on shit thats going to get ruined in the winter, i take care of my cars, but at the same time im not over obsessive with them. its not like all of you havent been 18 before and finally got something theyve always wanted, if i really wanted to i couldve saved my money, bought a shitty honda civic, put a body kit on it, a obnoxiously big wing and neons on it, oh wait, i didnt, so fuck off.

and thanks to everyone that hasnt bashed the hell outa this thread, atleast u see where im coming from

Honda > *


Honda > *


haha that wasnt a knock at you, in general tho, i couldve riced the shit outa one for the same price i paid for my car lol

btw, im going to east tommorow, are we still on for saturday after i get outa work?