Palladino for the People

What’s his deal? Anybody know anything about him?

About Carl Paladino

Buffalo native Carl Paladino is a graduate of St. Bonaventure University and Syracuse University Law. After serving as an officer in the US Army, Carl practiced law in New York courts for fifteen years.

Across 40 years in private business, Carl has built a real estate development company which, in some of the most difficult economic periods of our life time, has been the only private company building in Buffalo. Today, he directly employs hundreds of workers and provides work to thousands across New York State. His company controls a half billion in assets and, with a personal worth of $150 million, Carl has pledged to spend up to $10 million of his own money in his campaign for governor of New York.

Carl Paladino is not a politician. He is known for speaking his mind - especially if folks don’t want to hear what he is saying. Carl is seeking the Republican and Conservative Party endorsements in this race, but he is not the candidate of political bosses. He will petition his way into the GOP primary ballot and even create a Tea Party line on the general election ballot if the Conservative Party does not endorse him.

If elected Governor, Carl Paladino will -

  • Cut state spending by 20% across the board - I’ll cut taxes and spending by ten percent in the first six months of my administration;
  • Review every department and agency of state government to evaluate efficiency, effectiveness and necessity and cut programs not benefiting the taxpayer;
  • Cut the State’s income tax on manufacturing to keep these businesses in New York and attract new ones here;
  • Require a minimum one-year residency in New York State before someone is eligible for Medicaid benefits;
  • Limit the total time a State Legislator can serve to no more than 8 years;
  • Eliminate the State Legislators’ pension plans and their free lifetime health care coverage since serving in the State Legislature is a part-time position;
  • Require a super majority of 60% of both Houses of the State Legislature in order to raise any state taxes;
  • Eliminate the automatic cost of living pay raises State Legislators get and require legislators to vote to raise their pay and face their constituents; and
  • Require State Legislators - including exempted attorneys - to fully disclose the amount and all sources of outside income to guard against conflicts of interest.

I love seeing all this signs, I’m mad as hell too, Carl Paladino for Governor!!

He sounds like he is ready to go in and fight for the people. How long before he gets bought out or sucked into the whole mess that Albany has going on though?

idk how much support he can really gain from downstate, ive never been inspired to vote but he’s making me change my mind, hes got my vote

He’s just what NY needs.

Unfortunately he’s got way too many non-politically correct comments in his past to ever win enough state wide (read NYC) support to get elected.

Last week when the state government said they were looking for a “morals clause” in their contracts with him because they wanted to cancel his contracts after the racist/sexist emails he forwarded were published I was almost knocked unconscious by being hit with that much irony. The state government that for the last 10 years has been named this most corrupt in the country is looking for a “morals clause” to get out of a contract with a private businessman? That’s a lot of irony to absorb all at once, even for someone as cynical as me.

^^^ x2

what companies are resorting to is redic, those emails for example could have been forwarded a million times, its such bullshit and typical smoke and mirror politics

we need a revolution

nm, googled it.

I’d be surprised if NY ever cleans up its act. Maybe a step in the right direction though?

He’s got my vote.

We need someone to fuck shit up, enough of this BS from Albany.

I don’t care about his emails. Hell look at our NWS funny GIF thread…

If he sticks to this campaign line I would vote for him.


If my choices are Lazio, Cuomo or Palladino he’s definitely got my vote, even if I know I’m pissing my vote away because NYC is going to vote Cuomo.

I’d like to hear more about his platform… I like what I’m reading so far, but I can’t determine if his policy is looking out for the top 5%, or the rest of us.

Is there anyone running who is not Italian? Just wondering. It looks more like a list for the next God Father.

you hate italian people dont you ^

this makes me sad :frowning:

Two of my best friends have worked for carl for almost 10 years. Ive never really heard a bad thing about the guy. He just seems like a hardworking old school man from buffalo who has the money and self driven motivation to change this state to better for him self and the rest of new york.

hes got my vote

wow, great list of campaign promises. I thought this guy was just an asshole after all the stuff he’s said since he announced the run but this is great :tup:

The problem with that list is the governor of NY doesn’t have the power to do anything of those things. :slight_smile:

Thats what we need, a self made man with the balls to actually do what needs to be done, and downsize the government.

Sounds good though.

<–Goes to read about the powers of the governor.


With his racist emails containing the word “nigger”, I believe he lost at least 1/2 the minority vote. And the minority vote is HUGE in NY.

Even though they were just joke emails being forwarded hundreds of times. The media is making them out to be more then just forwarded spam emails.