Pancakes Vs. Bacon

that sammich was called the big kid, they also had a little kid that was a laughable 1/4lb and 6 strips of bacon

Talk about weak. Pfftttt, they should have called it the whiny bitch instead.

I’m not so keen on the name. I don’t know if I would feel comfortable drooling over some little kid right before ramming it in my mouth…

no matter how delicious. :meh:


[knock, knock]

Hold on guys, I think someone is at the door…

Both.Now i want breakfast :frowning:

EDIT Your bacon obsession made me think of this…

The pic gave me chest pains.

Yeah. I’m starving. My 6" Ham and turkey with lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, olives and extra honey mustard was a long time ago.

Some bacon would be grand right about now.

Bacon fucking rules. No if’s and’s or but’s, it plain fucking rules. I sprinkle a little maple syrup on mine.

Any of you who claim to like bacon but cook the shit out of it to where it’s in a quasi-fossilized state, you can leave. In fact, who are you so I can ban you.

if you don’t like bacon, then you must be the kind that enjoys lemonparty.jpg.


For when you need bacon on the go.

I’m eating bacon right now. :slight_smile:

So jealous.

Can that be added to the registration form?


pancakes…i get sick of the taste of bacon real kwik where as pancakes I can always eat

mmmmm bacon /homer


I really need to order these and more bacon mints.

Waffles and bacon are great

Esp those blueberry eggos

I used to make this sandwich with high-fiber bread, natural PB, sugar-free jelly, nonfat cream cheese, a nonfat cheese slice

and a whole pack of bacon. I’ve never seen my roommate so confused

trust me, Denny’s is way better. Waffle House fucking sucks. I hate that place. Not only do you stick to the tables, the waitress hates you and the cook looks like some dude they found scavenging the dumpster