"Paranormal Activity" movie

You’re too hardcore for it?

It was a horrible movie. Every scene was essentially the same. Good for who ever made it because it cost them next to nothing to make it and they are making a killing off it

Neil Blookamp is amazing dude

its abosloutely ridiculous what he can do with such a low budget

Hes done small ads and tiny shit… The Halo movie was supposed to be his first shot at a serious production movie but it got canned…

District 9 was based on a short 6 minute film he made a few years back

Heres something he did for adidas… it had like no budget


This is what district 9 was based off

And heres the 7 minute long halo short he did to demo what he could do…

Its seriously amazing what this guy can do with no budget

no bare boobs, richie and i saw it with the ladies, I thought it was pretty good, one of ther scariest movies i have ever seen, and im not one for scary movies.

+1… def not scary at all! I think I jumped at the end quick…def not worth $10.25…

Yea I am going to write an angry letter

i’m sure he wants your imput…

Its input for fucking idiot


Did you pass English comp 1?

U guys are BAMFs

Dont waste your money on said movie d-bag

uhhhh huuhhhhh

Already saw it s-bag

ohhh yyyyeeeeaaaaa???

Yeh pete I told em you have trouble with you intestines and wear a diaper daily so good luck in the interview :thumbup

That District 9 short is pretty good actually! Have you seen the ads for “The Box” thats a carbon copy of a half hour Twilight Zone episode.

thanks anyways!!

That shit was weak

You guys saying the movie sucked and wasn’t scary are BADASS!!!