Parents supporting the modding habbit.

I cant agree with you more on the bold part…

bout .2 tenths in the 1/4 hes costing me… i had all my detailing supplies and a friggin fold-a-chair in the trunk today when i waved bye bye to joe… im not going to lie… i did figure the sti would pull past the civic harder than it did

[quote=EVO/k20/V6t-camaro/S4killer ]
bout .2 tenths in the 1/4 hes costing me… i had all my detailing supplies and a friggin fold-a-chair in the trunk today when i waved bye bye to joe… im not going to lie… i did figure the sti would pull past the civic harder than it did

power to weight man…unfortunately, weight isnt on our side, its against us lol

he had himself plus 2 passengers… i had john and his kid/diaper bag/full diaper in my car… :headbang

I never said it was. I simply made a generalization but something that I feel strongly against: undeserving kids that get shit handled to them in life.


I agree with you even though Timmah dislikes my opinion on this?

idk, From my standpoint, my only major thing that was “handed to me” was my first car, which happened to be the week my mom planned to buy a new car for herself. other than that nothing.

my grandprix i bought. motor went 3 months later i spent 2,234.93 on a 3.1 that was port/polished, cams, and totally rebuilt included removel and install at a garage. bought my sentra, my other 240… so i dont get it…

Ah thanks for the author, all I could remember is that I read it in Harpers Index. Great though sometimes rather odd magazine.

ive bought evry car ive owned nevr handed nething in my life pretty much speekin but if i ask for a loan or something from my parents they’d give it to me but i dont think thats the same as supportin my habits(when it acctually happens :idiots)

The problem is defining the actual problem.

For me, I’d never buy my 16 year old kid a modded car or even a very expensive car. For one, 16 year old can’t drive. You can’t. I couldn’t. You’ll understand when you are older. I have no problem with a parent buying their kids a car out right.

I am not sure how to explain it but it’s the fucking scumbag, disrespecting, rude kid that doesn’t appeciate shit is what bothers me.

But as Timmah said, who am I to judge? I dunno. Perhaps I am jealous deep down. I cannot explain it.

Ive told you i have absolute perfect credit. you just have to prove your income to a bank and your approved. garunteed steven

i dont have income on the books thou…

well then your SOL, my friend. just work at stewarts or something stupid. ALSO sefcu is the best if your leeching off my signature. we BOTH get discounts cuz i refered you and b/c your makeing them money. You have to have the most recent pay stub. so work somewhere for 2 weeks and boom. theres your teg. OR if Jim can show that he pays you (he would have to come in). They might help…

my parents are against me modding my car, mostly because i took 'em both for rides in it this last year and they were in shock/scared for my life. Either way i’ve paid for most of my shit myself, and the money that my dad has loaned me i pay back, until the point where christmas comes around and then i get nothing except he cancels my debt. But i’ve worked 2 jobs for the last 5 years, and i don’t owe anyone anything for my car.

I think Shawn had a good point, that its fine if your parents see that you enjoy your car hobby and help you out with stuff. but the kids that are driving dad’s vette talking shit to people and swiping mommy’s gas card, and not working for anything are a different story.

yea right if i can get money from the jeep thats goin right to the teg then i wont need the loan hopefully… and im tellin the drs fuck you and im workin all week on a roof… HOPE I FALL

If you fall i get the jeep for free as a beater ;D

w.e have fun lol

We’re allowed to disagree, it’s not a crime. In fact I once felt exactly like you did, eventually I came to grips with the fact that it was just me being jealous, the world is full of so much negative energy I decided I don’t want to contribute to it unnecessarily. My parents gave me $700 towards my first car and that’s it, granted it was 10 years ago, but even then that much money wouldn’t buy me a panty dropper of a car. My parents have bought 3 cars for my older brother, gave him a down payment on his first house and bailed him out of countless financial problems, some siblings would be jealous but I’m not. First of all I am glad it helps my brother live a better quality life and secondly I don’t need the help.

One day I plan on having a family and you can bet your ass my kids are going to get everything I feel they need to live the best life I can provide for them. If you can’t share the fruits of your labor with your family it’s a sad state to be in. You teach your kids values, honesty and morals, then send them into the world to test these theories, the best lessons are learned not taught.

Again, who are you to say if someone’s kids are deserving or not? Until you can say it is your place, you have no place butting into their business, you don’t know all the facts and are letting the bad experiences out weigh fair judgement. From my experience the truly spoiled rotten, cocky kids come from upper middle class families who think they are rich but aren’t. When you have money there is a mental shift and you no longer feel compelled to try to impress other’s, you do what makes you happy and share the experiences with the special people in your life. When someone is insecure and unhappy they feel the need to create a false sense of fulfillment by spending money, bragging or putting other’s down. Sure there are exceptions to every rule, but as a whole the anomalies are rare.

damn timmay, you should write a book