Paris & Belgium attacks?

Ah nice. I thought they said they didn’t have peoples keys but I think I am thinking they don’t have a master key for the encrypted device as its embedded into the processor on the specific device to boot.

Yea so everytime the FBI or someone else cries about being unable to access this information they’re being lazy not getting a warrant :lol:

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I love the media :lol:

Because before Paris, civilian casualties would’ve lost public approval.

unfuckingbelievable. The media is a joke…

Well here is also the entertaining. Twitter and the world flipped when someone killed 160 people in Paris however ISIS claimed credit for blowing up a fucking plane and no one seemed to give a shit.

Then again, all you need to do is throw a gun in a bag and walk onto a plane.

I mean they did bomb Beirut a few days before and nobody in the US cared.

Nope. That Paris scene is pretty common in Beirut if you read the papers from that area.

It’s not really common anymore that stuff was common years back but its pretty safe there now.

Africa is the worst now I think. That Al Queida off shoot is pretty violent with bombings and school abductions and slayings.

Fine line between lazy and overworked. Especially when overworked leads to things like this attack. France security officials have already stated they don’t have the manpower to monitor their watch lists.


Monitoring watch lists has nothing to do with getting warrants for intercepts/wiretaps/etc

Sure it does. Getting warrants takes time away from the already unbelievable workload, and specific threats may be missed from lack of initial evidence. Fortunately for you, the majority of Americans see your point of view and agree with you, but it does make the preventative law enforcement community work harder doing “traditional police work”, which is great if you have time and resources. Unfortunately, budget cuts and increased risk makes that a pipe dream.

It’s weird because I work and hang out with people from the FBI and various other government orgs and they don’t make any of these complaints lol

I know you’re always crying about this stuff

I wouldn’t call debating with you crying. You are the only person I talk about this stuff with.

I do know Comey disagrees with you, not to mention you said it yourself a minute ago:
“everytime the FBI or someone else cries about being unable to access this information…”

Here are a few solutions I can think of…

  1. Prune the watch list to make it more focused
  2. Hire more agents
  3. Re-arm citizens and let them do some of their own monitoring & defense

I vote #3

You guys realize that once you’re inside the EU moving between countries is very easy?

It’s not like the US where you have limited ways to get in

I fell asleep on a train in France and woke up in Italy. They didn’t even bother to wake me up when we crossed in.

Generally, a commissioned agent wouldn’t bitch to a contractor about certain internal issues, lack of resources etc…
also, IDK who neonglh works for, whether it’s local, state etc. But, at the federal level, generally, LE in this country is extremely well funded… state and local, not so much…they are usually very overworked, and don’t have time nor resources the feds do… not to mention, feds get a lot of their “intel” from state/local depts.

Im not a contractor…

My comments were based on dealing with a number of gov agencies at various levels ranging from DoD, FBI, IRS, congressional committees, etc. At least when it comes to cyber and terrorism they get just about all the resources they could need/want.

I’m not very familiar with state and local but I assume they’re underfunded and overworked with general law enforcement. But im guessing at that level they also get stingrays and other fun stuff that low level criminals probably get slapped around with.