Parking Ticket - Do I need to pay this (looks like a private company idk)

Was this the Rochester Spot Coffee?


Was this the Rochester Spot Coffee?


Def. buffalo since it clearly states Buffalo in the first post.


Def. buffalo since it clearly states Buffalo in the first post.


reading comprehension is not most people heres strong suit.

Nope. Can’t read .Can’t spell either. :shrug:

What’s funny is when people correct someone on spelling and grammar, just to f’ it up themselves. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: cough JDM cough

I’m just bustin’ chops :wink:

as am i and i know i suck at teh spellin but with my new copy or WERD i csan do just fine!

least i can read good! :lol:

i probably got about 150 propark tickets and didnt pay a single one, rip it in half.

paying for parking is a huge scam anyways.

It would be a great idea to issue these tickets to people and see how many people just pay it to be over with it. I bet you could make a good buck off it. Make it look like a ticket, then in small print write a clause like “This ticket was issued in order to test your intelligence, if it is paid the past mentioned measured substance is lacking.” …make it a small 10-15 charge and then boost it up…make a web site…then just hand them out all over buffalo on sunfires, grand ams, civics, cavy’s, neons and cobalts lol

i had one downtown 8 months ago when I worked down there for parking with out my permit. never paid it, and never heard anyhting on it