parts car for freee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red 240 sx, no front fenders and bumper…Lots of rust(PARTS CAR) Need to tow(no ownership) THIS weekend … 416 893 5568 ask for jeff

airport and derry road area!!

junkyard wont take it without ownership… any way around this>?

Try a different junk yard?

Tell them to come and pick it up, but forget to tell them you have no ownership. Once they are there tehy’ll probably take it anyway.


I dont feel like driving to sauga to take pics but
Dash WIRING, engine and tranny still intact(NO DIZZY)! PICK UP SOON!!!


do you have a front lip off the car

i will sell you one of my old 240 ownership for $50.


buddy i’ll take the hatch, and some interior peices if u don’t mind plz…thanks

Year? Does it still run.