Passing cars

Riding season is fast approaching, legal or not when passing cars please use caution…

Thanks for posting

Driver of the Lexus is such an idiot. If you just got passed by two bikes and you see two more behind you, don’t you think they’re going to pass you next chance they get? Obviously. Plus the biker swung out far to pass, the driver should’ve seen him in the side mirror if he was actually paying attention.

The rider over-reacted though. Locking up the back brake is a death sentence. Front brake would’ve been enough.

Crazy video, as a non-rider I got a lot of respect for you guys and unless it’s some boss hog ez-rider type I yield as soon as possible to every bike I see. I always feel like I’m ruining someones good time when I’m driving like grandma in front of a sport bike.

Mostly this. He wasn’t looking at the car at all once he started passing so it caught him by surprise, and he was passing so slowly that the car actually cut him off instead of sideswiping. To top it off he didn’t even have any gear besides the lid.

As a rider myself, I can see sometimes it is easy to blame the cagers. It is clear both are at fault, it is just that the guy on the bike got the short end of the stick. Well, Riders ALWAYS gets the short end of the stick even you have all the “right of way” in the world on your side, let alone when you are being unpredictable. I think that is actually the first speech they gave when you take the MSF course.

The rider in the video is clearly new to riding, not to mention having almost no gear didn’t help. Anyone notice how his shoe flew right off across the road as soon as he high sided?

My objective of posting this is not to point finger, but simply a demo of how the rider can easily avoid a trip to the ER. Look, I am no saint, hence what I wrote in the first thread. However, similar scenaior can happen in a legal passing zone. Personally I use my horn liberally when I ride to make sure others around me aware that I am around them. I do get a funny look from time to time, but that prevents me getting run over by a 4000lbs SUV, so it is a good trade off.

Yes, we all should constantly be aware of other people around us and as a rider my awareness is heightened due to the extra risk I am exposed myself to. However, expecting everyone else to do the same is simply asking for too much in this driving climate. I am actually at a point where I am surprised to see someone not on the phone while they are driving, actually use the blinkers before they change lanes or actually shoulder checks.

If this thread can save one rider from one mishap, it will server its purpose. So ride safe and enjoy the ride! :thumbup

This! As well as the obvious lack of experience and caution on all parties

In this case both rider and driver were at fault. However the rider should have swung out a little farther and opened the bike up more. I also agree with rocket the guy should have had proper gear on.