Traffic Question

Q: You are driving along a narrow two lane road with a NO PASSING sign
posted, and come upon a bicycle rider. Do you:

(A) follow this slow-moving bicycle rider for the next 2 miles, or

(B) do you break the law and pass?

Which is the correct choice?

Answer: (A) Why take unnecessary risks and get a ticket?

See Photo

Its a win/win situation!

I would probably pass and risk getting a ticket because otherwise I would probably end up in the ditch or in a head on collision with another vehicle bacause I couldn’t stop staring at her ass. And her ass is not woth my 240sx therefore I would pick (B).

id pass and forget it ever happend that chick has legs the size of my damn 240.

Your’e right, you would not even look twice if she was ahead of you right? I’d like to see a pic of the women that you hang out with / date/ bang. I’m sure you would pay money to bang that chick, and if you were to talk to her you would probably just stumble all over your words.

I would pass her just because I hate when bikers take up the road like that.

your right i would look twish in awe. im pickey like that… next meet ill show u some pics