Rider hit this AM

Guy at my work is a fireman for Clifton Park… 5:30AM got a call for a rider down. Grooms and Miller road. 2 way stop. Bike was in the right of way, car went through the stop sign, rider hit the front end and went over the hood. Was conscious and alert, but in a lot of pain. Speed wasn’t an issue, rider only flew 50 feet or so. Thats all I know.

Please ride safe people. If you are driving in a car, BE ALERT AND GIVE THE RIDERS MORE THAN ENOUGH ROOM AND COURTESY.

Speed wasn’t an issue, rider only flew 50 feet or so.

Good thing it was only 50’ or so…Actually, a very lucky guy. Here’s to hoping his injuries are not that serious!

yeah. atleast he didnt hit the roof line and just caught the hood and went over the bars I guess.

More proof that no matter how cautious you are, you can’t control any other aspects of your surroundings.

Sorry to hear…

It doesn’t matter if the biker was in the right of way, if a bike and a car have an accident the rider will lose 100% of the time. Every intersection is death trap, just saying, if you “assume” people will obey the law, just be prepare to bet your life on that assumption.

Double check, confirm visually and wait that extra 10 seconds if you have to.

not denying that, I just mentioned it so people didnt assume it was a punk ass behind the bars who made the mistake.

But yeah, when i ride (and drive for that matter) my eyes are BLOCKS ahead when intersections and lights are coming. I missed a few close ones becasue i pay attention that far ahead. I think some people dont want to wait or are bad judges of speed & small object coming at them to get timing down, and just think they have time to send it out there. Many times I watch them eye to eye see me coming and just send it infront of me… I just toss my hands up as I approach them like :dunno thanks dick head. Its crazy. They dont get that the extra 5-10 seconds waiting for the rider to pass, is a lot shorter time period than waiting for an ambulance and police to show up to deal with your ignorance.


This. I guess because of my incident with the popo when I was 16 and having to do defensive driving a few times (once court ordered, 2 other times to get the discount)…you become more alert. I am CONSTANTLY scanning my surroundings.

It’s amazing how, if you are alert, you can see what people will do before they do it (such as on the highway, you can tell who’s about to change lanes in front of you most of the time).

Thats the awareness EVERYONE should practice behind the wheel or handlebars, every day. but sadly I would say less than 5% of the cars I see on the road seem to have that skill.

Driving is really fucking simple isnt it when you just hone a few simple skill sets. When you know your car, its size, its speeds, its brakes, its mirrors, its turning radius, etc… something anyone who gives a shit can understand in 45 seconds behind the wheel of any “new” to them car… driving around safely is cake.

I firmly believe 90% of the accidents, no matter how big or small, are caused by reckless THINKING and have very little if nothing to do with the car, its condition, the road conditions, etc. Its ALL in the drivers head. Too lazy, too ignorant, too cocky, too impatient, too just plane stupid, too careless… ADDS to the things like driving conditions, other drivers, vehicle conditions, that anyone else can overcome safely, yet these people fail at and cause an accident.

And raise insurance premiums. Fantastic all around work folks! :tbu

I rode my bike to work today (bicycle) and absolutely see what you mean as to how oblivious drivers are. At least if someone does something stupid near me I can hop onto the curb or stop almost immediately since I’m only traveling about 15 mph. I’d be terrified on a motorcycle. Had one guy cut me off pulling out of a side street, various people parking on upper western/Madison just swing their doors open without even looking etc…


My buddy steve nailed some dude on a bicycle yesterday evening on fuller/railroad ave! HHAHAHAHHAH. He was 3rd car in line going through his green arrow light to take a left, this maniac on a mtb thought he could pedal his ass between the 2nd car through the light and him in his truck (new chevy fullsized truck), NOPE. Steve said he swerved as soon as he saw him and tried to miss him but caught his pass side front corner and booted the dude like 10 feet. He said he was going like 15mph if that in the truck, but still that had to hurt.

Dude picked up his bike and said sorry and pedaled off. LOL

I think the moral of the story are dumb people are just dumb.

Yup. You can be an idiot no matter what your mode of transportation is.

I just called Richard Hammond, he is going to drive me around in the Marauder from now on.
