PAsslock being a jerk

Im sitting in my work parking lot. Alarm remote didnt work… So i used the key and tried to start the car like my girlfriend does with her car. Didnt work alarm kept going off… So after 10 mins i cut the siren wire to shut it up. The passslock relearn procedure does not help as after i crank the car and leave the key at on position… The security light is not on. I tried anyway… Alarm is an excalibur from rainbow… Car is a 99 grand am. Advice plese :confused: sitting in my black car roasting my ass off

Throw the car away

obvously. Misfiries, fails to go in 4th sometimes. Hub assemblies fucked, motor mounts bad. Snows bald, summers are punctured. Notice the thread i posted a few days ago wtb car lol

Wait… why would it be Passlock if it’s an aftermarket alarm?

I’d check for a button under the dash. Turn the key to the ign on and press that button to reset the alarm. I dunno if they still do things like that but I’d check because it doesn’t seem like a passlock deal.

sounds like starter kill since the alarm isnt disarmed. does it crank??? Passlock is only disabled during RS

Just cut the alarm out. and return to stock wiring. Why does a 99 Grand Am have an alarm??

GM products = trash.

Had a crapolier that did this. Maybe 1 out of 5 times it wouldnt start. Luck it had dealer warranty was $300 to replace.

it isn’t passlock. its actually passkey II. just throwin that out there

Its actually Passlock 2 lol.

Hahah, ya lol. i just learned about this in school and that is how GM refers to it lol.

Yeah, it’s Passlock II, and there is no button.
The relearn procedure is turning the key to crank the car, letting it fail to start… leaving it in the ON position for 10 mins until the SECURITY light goes out… Then turn off the car for 30 secs, then repeat until the car starts.

But yes, the alarm just deactivated the ignition actually. (Not Passlock II as previously thought)
Not like I’m a genius at cars. Plus logging on to a forum and posting a topic on an iphone is not the easiest of task in the world.
Eventually got pissed off with it enough baking in the sun, that I just ripped out the whole alarm unit.

The reason the grand am has an alarm, is because I wanted keyless entry since I’m lazy, and it was only a few bucks more @ rainbow.
Plus it protects my investments in the car, since it’s not exactly stock.
Don’t want some dickface stealing gauge pods on me while I’m running in to the store to get some porn.

Anyway, just to let you know… The headlights and 4 ways were flashing light hell the whole time too (It got fucked up on my lunch, so ~4 hours), and it was making a goofy ass clicking noise.
Plus the car locks kept locking/unlocking. :
+1 for Optima batteries.

thanks guys :

I realize that Passlock 2 doesn’t have a button haha. I was saying that I figured your alarm had a button and that it was disabling your ignition. Atleast it’s all good now. :tup: