Past 2 nights...

well my list definitely works better than your sweet tuned formula. :tup:


Not talking to someone is acting buddy buddy lol ok…

Don’t have it or can’t do it? I can take my car off the road right now and claim its fast :tup:

:lol: nice list you feel better trying to build your self up?


Damn some day I will hope to make as much money as you…and have as many investments…and a sweet house like yours…


and one day i want to look like a C rate movie star and talk shit to make myself feel better… :bloated: :tup:

haha really ran out of worth while material huh?

btw your really ruining this thread with lame jabs…

This was mostly about racing till for some reason you figured it would be impressive to tell everyone a bunch of stuff about your life that no one really cares…and in fact isn’t very impressive.

we’ll be out tomorrow…

ha u edited. took u a while to figure out what exactly to say huh? lol

the thread was ruined when you started the bs. (page 1)

i was just explaining to you why my car isn’t out - there are just things more important to me. besides, you really don’t need to worry about MY car, since it has nothing to do with YOU. again just you trying to start shit like a dumbass. i wasn’t trying to impress, many people make more $, have better cars, etc.

if u wanna talk about racing, find something to race my truck with…


haha really ran out of worth while material huh?

btw your really ruining this thread with lame jabs…

This was mostly about racing till for some reason you figured it would be impressive to tell everyone a bunch of stuff about your life that no one really cares…and in fact isn’t very impressive.


Get a room you two:touchy:


ha u edited. took u a while to figure out what exactly to say huh? lol

the thread was ruined when you started the bs. (page 1)

i was just explaining to you why my car isn’t out - there are just things more important to me. besides, you really don’t need to worry about MY car, since it has nothing to do with YOU. again just you trying to start shit like a dumbass. i wasn’t trying to impress, many people make more $, have better cars, etc.

if u wanna talk about racing, find something to race my truck with…


Actually it was page 2…

I’m glad your car isn’t out…This thread wasn’t directed at you.

If you want to voice some opinion start you own fucking thread…



You have what 2-3 F-bodys now and none of them run :lol: :lol:

The fastest you EVER went was 11.6…in a gutted car with slicks and a TH400… :lol: :lol: the one week it was out :lol:

Jeeves runs that in his full weight car…and you didn’t even build…it :lol: :lol: How does that feel?

Its ok I thought you were gonna retire last year if one car didn’t run 10s?? Still no track passes this year either…

Don’t worry im sure you could have cleaned up at Pump Gas drags… :lol: :lol: oh wait still no track passes.

Jeeves is mopping up huh?? Maybe cause he hasn’t raced anyone?? The Firehawk? Muscle50? Ken Cobras?

A lot of other people feel this way…I figured you just needed to hear it…hey maybe you will prove everyone wrong and come out and run 8’s in your first pass :slight_smile:

Let me sum this up with :lol: :lol: :lol: oh master of drag racing/engine building/roll cages…11.6 career best :tup:




you are not FAST, you will never be fast. shut the fuck up ,sit the fuck down and maybe one day when you have a fast or better yet a running car you can come out and run. i would call you out but im not sure which of the none running cars you own to call out. i would love for you to come run any of us, hell you got a little bit of everything in the group, GM, Ford, Import. im sure turbols1, firehawk, muscle50, bladez, way2slow, would love to show you what fast cars look like, because we all know you dont own one.



[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:58,topic:33897"”]

hey badazz…im pretty sure my SHAKEDOWN runs last year puts shame to any of your times. you accuse US of calling our cars fast, in the same league of big hands and dan marvin (which we arent), but you do the same thing, and you have the LEAST credibility to do so.

THREE YEARS i’ve heard you say i will run 10s in green. HA. HA. HA. i thought you were ONE day away THREE+ months ago. HAHAHA.

street racing is dead? why, because you dont have a car to go out and lead cruises anymore? :cry:



FormulaLS1-jesus you talk too much! Mark ran an 11.6 last year, right next to me, THAT WAS N/A, and he didn’t get out of the hole real well, he was just feeling the car out. His car wasn’t “gutted”, like you say. It still had stock seats (heavy as fuck), stereo, carpet etc… It DID have a decent amount of stuff taken off of it, true, but it wasn’t like it had no door panels, no dash, or anything like that. I would say it was probably around 3100 or so, without him in it. I’d bet that your car is lighter, or near the same. Now it has a lot more stuff taken out, but it also has a big-ass cage in it, extra fuel cell, Dana60, so it will probably weigh the same. His car can handle a very big shot of NOS, that’s what it is built for. You have to be a complete idiot to think he can’t shave at least a full second off of his 11.6 time from last year. Yeah, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything until his car is out and running, but I’d be willing to bet noone will challenge him at the track when it’s all said and done. As far as what is a “fast” car, I’d say anything on the street running in the 12’s.

Question for Turbo----not to be a dick or anything but when you first put your car on the road sans the turbo ie N/A, didn’t you get beat by jeeves, or was it real close? I mean I figure you are running around a mid-12 without the turbo, right? Well, Mark’s 11.6 was N/A, what do you think it would run with a 250 shot?

11.6 with a 383 and TH400 in a 3100lb car with slicks impressive :tup: that was end of the year when it was 50 outside to wasn’t it…neat…

Im not doubting he can spray his way to 10.6…But his claims were in the mid 9’s atleast…

So where is said car that was supposed to be out months ago?

I guess my new goal this year is to take my car stock motor, stock heads, stock cam, NA and go click off an 11sec pass…then I can be cool


Well, Mark’s 11.6 was N/A, what do you think it would run with a 250 shot?


My guess would be it would run right onto a tow truck :ohnoes:

To be honest, I’m sure they could have tuned it down to a bottom 11. We ran side by side once, and he gets me a little out of the hole (maybe a 1/2 car), then he starts to pull hard just before the end of the 1/8th. They were more concerned with making sure the car goes straight, the wheels don’t rub, it didn’t lean out, it shifted firm, etc… I’m not positive but I think his 60 foots were high 1.6’s, so you know here was more left on the table.


My guess would be it would run right onto a tow truck :ohnoes:


Thta’s a gay thing to say. Breakage sucks bad. We’ll remember not to laugh when you grenade your 4L60E, cause you’re on borrowed time as it is.

Like I said I have no doubts the car would run 10s…Don’t go and make claims about being highly competitive at pump gas drags when you have never ran 10 sec pass or let alone a 9 sec pass in your life.


Thta’s a gay thing to say. Breakage sucks bad. We’ll remember not to laugh when you grenade your 4L60E, cause you’re on borrowed time as it is.


:lol: I will be laughing when it blows up I hope you all can join me…


Question for Turbo----not to be a dick or anything but when you first put your car on the road sans the turbo ie N/A, didn’t you get beat by jeeves, or was it real close? I mean I figure you are running around a mid-12 without the turbo, right? Well, Mark’s 11.6 was N/A, what do you think it would run with a 250 shot?


true, but a:

low compression
low cube
small cam
big headed
street tired
stock manifolds
boost motor NA

/= (by a long shot)

high compression
big cam
big tired
nitrous motor NA

the difference is the gains with boost are exponential, but i know what youre trying to say

like sherms saying,
i dont doubt either that the car has the “potential” to run a 10 second pass… but neither has several setups. but he can never seem to put it together wtihout something breaking. theres too much bench racing and question in there. just go out and DO IT ALREADY and stop talking about how fast yiour car is GOING TO BE,


also…he might have the rotating components to handle a big shot, but i seriously doubt that block can handle much for long