Patrick Kane Arrested

if it’s true, what a fucking moron. even if your relative was the one who did that, you make millions like ko simpson, pay the man his fare, apologize, and try to save face. damn stupid young drunk kids, especially after he just came to town to celebrate the donations he made to caz ice rink renovations. big :tdown:

Last summer, my friends girlfriend claimed PKane walked into her tanning salon and claimed “Im Patrick Kane, I tan for free!” Lmao… I really dint believe her at first but now I do.

Probably comes home and expects to be a hero seeing that he is one of the only success stories out of Buffalo in this decade lol.

not how i heard it went down

Yeah, I’m going to hold judgement until more of the story comes out. I don’t know how much I believe what espn has reported.

Indifferent, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was his cousin who did the dirty work

I’ve heard from a few people that he’s kind of a dbag…so i wouldn’t be suprised, but yea need to hear more before i actually believe it

what what im told, it was more of his drunk ass cousin that did the dirty work.

i’d punch a lot more people in the face if i was from south buffalo.

I’ve also heard this, but to do that over 20 cents? Idk, it just doesn’t seem to fit. It would make a lot more sense if it was his cousin who did all the assaulting, which doesn’t mean he’s not a dumbass for letting it escalate that far, but it’s far better than being the assaulter.

move over theo fluery, there’s a new kid in town.

I was a dickhead at 20 years old and I wasn’t famous in the least bit.

that was a good lol…o alcohol , the things it makes you do

i have heard alot of stories bout him too. He is cocky. I guess i would be to if i was 20 and rollin in dough. doesnt get my respect though.

back in the day he was a nice quite kid, …but just like biggie said mo’money mo’problems…

I’m Patrick Kane bitch! Fuck yo cab.

From a friends Facebook page. In the back of the police car

That cab driver is feeling lucky. Hes gonna make some money if Kane falls into some deep shit.

haha, wikipedia has it on their already. I find this amusing.

next time i see him downtown im going to ask for a autograph and see if i get punched in the face which leads to me becoming rich

He’s in the NHL and they bugged out over pennies? Even if it was “mostly his cousin” he’s still a loser for letting it happen. He should have tossed a Benjamin at his cousin and said STFU.