hmm I work with his cousin im gonna have to ask him the real deal tomorrow at work because im sure he knows
10 bucks said cab driver was being a douche also
i doubt kane would do that, he has tons of money why would he care about $10 to go tanning
Its the NHL not the NBA and we are in a recession…
My bro has told me about some stories about him out at the clubs in Buffalo.
I’m suprised it wasn’t someone punching him in the face.
i don’t know him or have anything to say about him personally, but to act like people that are famous and/or make more money than most people don’t often act like they have a sense of entitlement is naive.
No judgment yet from me. Although I can’t wait untill we hear their story.
yeah, something has to be missing. i just saw it on mike and mike in the morning. the story is that the cab fare was $13.80, they gave him $15, and the cab driver only had a single to give change, and not the 20 cents. then kane and his cousin beat the cab driver up.
it just doesn’t sound right. bare minimum, they were stiffing the driver on the tip and he pissed them off. no way it was over not getting the 20 cents back.
i’ve seen the kid smashed plenty of times, at the classiest of bars dt (sub zero)
and he seems like a big douche
LOL he’s not even old enough to drink! These fucking club/bar owners are just fucking stupid! Imagine if he got wasted at some shitty chip strip bar and pulled a #23 or worse! That place would be shut down immediately!
5 ft nothning and from south buffalo and he gets in fights? NO way!!!
haha kids a real d bag…i once hear he paid 80 dollars to get in to soho
lol, found this on ebay already
lolz @ that shirt, quick turnaround on that one.
Someone make a shirt with a picture of Patrick Kane and says “Do you know who your fucking with?”
my fucking with?