Patrick Kane Arrested

Yes, you own the fucking that’s within.

rofl’d my ass off @ that shirt.

Now that this event unfolded, it seems like every other person has a story of him being a d-bag.

well played

he makes 875000 a year since his rookie season in 07/08 he is a RFA (restricted free agent) after the 09/10 season. Performance on the ice is key but behavior off the ice should be more important.

Drunken kid causing problems? Since when?

He’s real cocky. I heard that he offered to buy someones girlfriend once.

I heard he once paid a homeless guy to jump off a building.

and then he ate the body.

Are you saying I made that up? I dont get it…?

and then took the money back and bought an 8ball and blew it off a 8 year old philippino hooker’s ass

I heard he tied happy gilmore’s record when he took off his skate and tried to stab somebody.

Bro I heard he can actually fly. Hand to God. Fucking fly. Crazy shit, right?

ok children relax…i was just saying…maybe it sounded more interesting to me when my friend who played hockey with him at caz was telling me the story…go spam in another thread to up your post count plz kthx

Bro I’m serious my boy’s cousin’s GF’s sister apparently slept with him and right when he finished he broke out this crazy scream and fucking turned into a pterodactyl!

My uncle’s girlfriend’s identical twin sister’s daughter was a groupie and actually tried to bang him. Apparently they couldn’t even do it because he has a fetish where he can’t get off without a midget playing the tuba. Seriously!

this is fun

I heard he is the only thing that can beat the hand of god…1.8T!

I heard he prefers rotary power to LSx. :gay2:

OT posts don’t count towards your post count…so spam away.

oh and I saw pat kane fight sidney crosby monkey knife fight style. crosby died. no joke.