Patrick Kane Arrested

would he last longer than 1 round with chuck norris?

Meh… I have heard enough to conclude the kid is a deeb. Those bruises dint magically appear on the cabbies face. Im not saying it was Kane but the point is, when you are that high profile of a person, in this shitty of a city, you better watch what you do.

i have a few dbag stories i could share but im not goin to. i found this on facebook and LOLed



I heard a rumor he recently punched a girl in the face who happened to be carrying in a colelction of pop can tabs to walmart to get a free keg. He stole the tabs and got the keg himself, and carried it one handed back home.

wow, lol that was actually funny, except how is this girl bringing the keg back herself if she made it?

this is awesome

wait, wat? She died from fist-to-face exposure of the Kane variety…

I wonder if Cambria will urge him to make a taxi cab confession in court :rimshot:

I wish I remembered which bar it was, but my friends gf is a bartender and when Kane was in there, he was literally demanding to be sold drinks (they knew he wasn’t 21) and he went on a rant saying “Don’t you know who I am, I’ll buy this entire fuckin’ bar”.

Then he roundhoused the bartender and drank for free all night.


I heard that the cabbie was a drunk and his story was a bunch of bullshit. He came out saying that they didn’t beat him for the cab fare. He made up the story wanting money out of it.

And i guess he doesn’t have a license cause hes had 3 DUI’s. So Kane should good to go if this is indeed true.

Its kind of like when im working at the store, the floors are mopped and we have a couple wet floor signs and people still try to get money if they slip and fall.

you should probably read whats being reported.

The cabbie has 2 prior alcohol convictions. Did not have a valid license.

No where has said that its fake yet.

He got on a Boston radio, saying the case was blown out of proportion. Apparently their not gonna charge the Kane’s. This was mentioned on channel 4 news at 12.

how did a broke dick fake cab driver afford Andrew LoTempio? He’s certainly not cheap…

you’re a couple million a year off, with bonuses.

theres no way he makes as much as you :stuck_out_tongue:

They probably bribed him with money to say that it was all a misunderstanding, to protect themselves and so that Patrick Kane wont ruin his name after all.