Patriot Act Gets 6 Month Extension

6 month extension = good idea
permanent = bad idea

edit: Until Bush is done beating the bee hive I think its important we protect ourselves


thats the most blunt way to put it actually ^

saw that last night… I’m all for it

the patriot act cracks me up.

But yea, Cheater’s right.

I can’t believe how many people are willing to give up their rights for a false sense of security.

better to have a false sense of security than live in fear.

shrug… I didnt give up shit… but if you say so

:word: good way of putting it

How is that?



I have lived in fear for the past 4 yrs. and its not because of any terrorists

Some people are going to live in caves their whole life and there is nothing you can say to convince them otherwise. I feel you though, Nick…

I thought they defeated this stupid thing?

not to argue…

This isn’t even a case of being shuttered in… that kind of statement is just shear ignorance.

“False sense of security > living in fear”

False sense of security leads to greater and greater weaknesses.
One is left to assume that there are no problems, and there is no action required to maintain this level of personal or national security. A polished turd may be shiney… but it’s still a turd.

Living in fear admits that there is a knowledge of the problem.
First of all… this to assume that we (in general) live in fear in the first place.
Secondly, some people will say “well, knowledge is power…” and to those people I say piss-off. Knowledge is not power without some form of action.
Now, with that being said… If You have knowledge of a problem, and are willing to take action about it, why are You so afraid?

God damnnit… i’m going to lunch.

Hey at least with the false sense of security comes a feeling of accomplishment.

I’ll take a false sense of anything of reality

reality bites maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn

this crap thats gurgling in my bowels, however, is false in no way shape or form

cheater, signing off

Im not sayig being ignorant of threats and danger is good, im saying it is better to not worry about every little thing that might happen and live your life. Dont live it being paranoid as fuck that somthing may happen to you.