Patriot Glass, Aka redline Aka Howard tanner..Bankruptcy?!?!?

Yeah you guys jumped on Ilya hate bandwagon hard here, and he def. didn’t put himself on a high horse, Everything he said was already stated by many other people on here, and agreed upon by many of the people who just shit on him for saying it! Just because it came from him, this shit blew up. I am leaving it at that.

Todays problems are 100% people feel the need to stick their dick into shit they dont belong in. Bumper to bumper stand stills, becasue people NEED to act like fools to see a car accident, a cop pulling someone over, or like it was last night on the northway by Wolf, some guy pulled over to change his babies diaper on the shoulder! Mind your own fucking business. Do you really give a shit if Lindsey Lohan goes to jail? Only reason you should is to A: not follow in her failed footsteps or B: be thankfull she isnt on the street putting you or your loved ones in jeopardy. Any other reason people feel the need to follow that shit is worthless sheep like shit… Mind your own fucking business.


More or less it is my business to keep tabs on it. Why: Close friends have been threatened by that ass hole and his bro squad, I have no doubt I will be on the hit list too, “guilty by association” I am sure will be the childish excuse. So as far as I am concerned, I am watching my back, my wifes back, my houses back, my cars backs, my friends backs and any other means these scumbags might directly or in-directly interact with me. This is a small community if you honestly look at it in the big picture. So yeah, I feel the fucking need to keep tabs on shit going on that may or may not have to do with this shit, justified in my head I guess based on my own personal safety and well being. As I hope and assume that they both are doing (if they are as “smart” as us) the same thing we are now, reading this and staying on the same page with us.

I, John, Nick, etc. for the most part have no intentions of escalating this “battle” any more, unless provoked by the other side of the battle field.

STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US. Dont talk, text, call, mail, send others to communicate, dont look at us… just act like we dont exist. If we walk by or see you at a show, race, in at American Eagle in the mall, out at dinner or a bar just mind your own fucking business, as I will do the same.

If not, fear not, I will simply call the authorities, my lawyer and the next time we will interact will be infront of a judge.

In school I remember hearing the saying “work smarter not harder”. Well that really fucked up the society lately hasn’t it! Kids have phones, internet, computers, etc to do the thinking for them… All the while assume that is what they meant by “work smarter”. So the “not harder” part is damn true, but the entire statement as a whole they are failing at.

I think the intent of that slogan was to instill ethics, morals, respect and self worth in people. Work smarter by making good business decisions; respect the customer and potential customers as you would your own family. Put forth the effort to exceed expectations not just skimp by “good enough for now”. Form your decisions so that will they will make it easier for people to respect you as a person and a business.

Look at a lot of new business that are making it and doing a “good” job. Many are “old skool” based. Do one to others as you would want done to yourself. They might not skyrocket to the top instantly, like RLMS, but chances are they will be going healthy, unlike RLMS, for much longer!

They do paul. I am not going any farther right now with that, but I have local examples. Bankruptcy isnt a 100% fail at business. Simply put it can be as simple as over spending, or under thinking. Its just sometimes a necessary step to continue on trying. What if I decided to buy RLMS if I had the money? I could, and they wouldnt miss a beat. I would pay off the cars he has liens on that couldn’t afford apparently, then liquidate them. Machinery I am sure they dont own, do the same. Eliminate the failures, focus on whats working and keep pushing forward.

2 words

GM Bailout

/point proven.