Patriot Guard

Saw this on GMA this morning and thought it was important for everyone to know…

Bikers roll to military funerals to oppose anti-gay protests

FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky (AP) – Wearing vests covered in military patches, a band of motorcyclists rolls around the country from one soldier’s funeral to another, cheering respectfully to overshadow jeers from church protesters…

The Patriot Gurd website…

i saw that about a week ago…

hope they keep up the good work. its so wrong to go to someone funeral and try and cause more pain.

Yeah I seen this a while ago, but thats just because I found it on a Motorcycle Forum…

I think it is just awesome… it’s the first positive thing I’ve seen in awhile… and it is being handled “appropriately”. They only go to the funerals if they are invited by the family. They contact local law enforcement before they go… and it is all non-violent.

religon is soo great, isn’t it. :rolleyes:

That pretty cool what the bikers do. I hope more people join them.


meh. I wish they were violent. Showing up at a funeral with a GOD HATES FAGS sign. I’d love to see those bikers help them out a little and expedite their lifelong trip to meet Jesus.

I found pictures of the protestors on webshots… They have a little kid standing next to a sign that has “drawn” to men having sex… WTF!!!..

I sort of wish they were violent too…

yep. sad shit, eh?

There’s like a total of 8 protestors… they hold sign like… “Your Pastor is a Whore” “Thank god for IEDS”

It’s fucked up… but worst of all it is 3 generations of a family that is doing this… It’s a whole family of crazy people.

:nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: