pats vs. chargers

a pats fan that i like :tup:

nope i could care less what you think, or what u think of me :slight_smile:

go NYG or GB :stuck_out_tongue:

i want the budlight sausage commercial… anybody got a link?

you suck.

18-0 …all luck.:rolljerk:

ohh thats right, a bit of cheating thrown in there for good measure…

lol, no matter what anyone says, they cant cheat and win every single game like they have. its pure skill that the team has and the haters will hate, and the losers still lose.

Hahaha Green Bay lost…


you forgot that part!

^^ haha nice edit, but cheat or not, they still continued to win after they were accused of it.

well im not watching the super bowl… its going to be a fucking blow out… i don’t understand how such a bad team like the giants… can win against these good teams… they must have sandbagged all year

the giants aren’t a bad team, you don’t win all those games on the road with luck lol

just another commersal year!

they found better ways of doing it trust me!


haha, yeah the giants must really suck

manning/coughlin haters can go shove it!


obviously you did not see the last Pats vs. Giants game a few weeks ago

Time to take that second shot at the Pats!

and since i missed this earlier…

i’d say he played pretty damn good on the road with 2 bad knees, especially if you factor in one of the INT’s was caused by a leg whip by the pats. he doesn’t have the prettiest throwing motion by any means, but if you actually watch football you’d know that he had a pretty impressive run down the stretch and was an accurate passer

Giants are better than most give credit for. The Superbowl will NOT be a blow out.

Rivers is a damn good up-and-coming quarterback, if he can stay healthy. The Chargers will be a playoff team for at least the next 2 years if they remain healthy.

As far as the cheating comments go, if you don’t think they were incredibly scrutinized by ever team and the NFL as a whole on EVERY game, then you are delusional. If you understand what they were accused of, convicted for, and punished for, you would realize that alone won’t win you any game. Would it help? Sure, but much like roofies, sure that gives you a passed out chick on the bed, but if you can’t get your dick hard, it doesn’t do you any good. Without execution, what they did won’t win shit.

would of liked to see favre win one more, but the giants will do. They better go get a kicker tho, lol that guy blows.

you’ve got the love goggles on, just like the hoorible announcers did.

he had no power behind his throws, it was amazing he didn’t get himself in more trouble. :shrug: not saying they should have taken him out, but to say “OMG HE played so well with the injury” is elretardo

Oh, and I wish it had been a Pack/Pats SB. I was at a pack bar for the second game, certainly quiet at the end. It was true to Favre form though :shrug: