Pauly's 2001 Red Corvette Z06 Thread

My money is the same regardless of if I drive a Ford or a Chevy.

Ive got a guy I trust working on my shit now. He put the motor in my car and did alot of other shit to it.

I also trust John (88slowmarro) to work on my shit.

calm down pjb its somthing called a JOKE. i love the knowledge frank knows about lsx cars and the work hes done for me so i trust him and always have. john is good also and so is Gronkie so calm your self. it doest matter who does great work on your car anyway since you dont appreciate it by not using it. if ppl do great work show it by driving and beating your car so you can show ppl how good it runs and who did it to get their name out their. im sure Gronk isnt too pleased that he built a sick mustang that you now hate as soon as it got done…weird

Certainly nothing he did makes me dislike the car.

well then how come u drove it allllll the time b4 the build and never after…either you dont like how it came out which i doubt cause gronk knows the fords or ur scared…and like i said im sure hes not pleased the car just sits and isnt shown, idk how you are pleased either

p.j.b listen man the main prob with your car is sortin all the others mistakes and that takes time ,maybe not the guy doin it .orr maybe he is fuckin ya and dont like ya

Yea I know :lol I drive thru there eveyr now n then, I live right on Donald in sunrise

BTW know who that kid is with the mustang on dunsville? Every day I drive by and him and his big black buddy are standing over the car with a 30 rack scratching there heads like theyve never seen a motor before

I trust 5 people to work on my car. The guys at Synapse, my pops, and brother. That is all.

I almost never drove it before he fixed it. Before he worked on it the last shop that worked on it really fucked shit up.
Ive put 5k miles on it in almost 4 years and most of those miles were the first fall and winter I had it. For the most part after that the car never ran right until it was finished last fall.

Then theres the fact that Im not happy with the paint and bodywork that was done on the car. It just doesnt look like it should for what I paid.

Well by now the mistakes are mostly fixed and really theres no issues with the way the car runs now.

I certainly wasnt fucked over with the new setup. He fixed a ton of fuckups that were previously made and told me he’d continue to make adjustments if necessary until I was happy with it.

Ive got no problems with the way it runs but Im kinda thinking its not what I need or want now. It cant take a corner and the gears are too much for the top end now. Its pretty much useless on street tires too unfortunately.

I’m the same way, granted my cars a turd, but anything I cant do myself or need help on, I usualy have the klopmister lend me a hand or for any fabbing dave at inline does

Was thinking about that wayne charecter, but I hear high end parts go missing :lol

but matt does makes you dislike frank. he badmouths frank to no end. gronk is a big asshole with no friends for a reason. you listen to him and think frank is a bad dude. Frank is the MAN with everything but snoblowers (inside joke :rofl). Especially lsx cars. Like i previously posted, the vette would be at franks right now if he could do it quickly. unfortuneately for frank and myself, he works three jobs and has a house and wife. busy schedule.

Wayne is gonna do me right, all night long, and then fix my car in a timely fashion and fix it right. Thats why it will be at his garage tomorrow.

thats one thing i can agree on about matt, im sure hes wicked pissed off that the car he “built” for paul doesnt get seen because thats all he talked about when he wanted to do mine, that it would bring him business. Really though, he didnt build shit, he did a motor swap for paul. he THINKS he knows fords, but really he is not much more than an all around mechanic. he doesnt specialize in shit

haha the kid with the stang idk, but he daily drives that bitch all year long :Idiots. But the black dude is the man. Since ive had my stang, camaro, and now the vette. each and every time i pass him outside he eggs me to blow the rubber off on and waives. A few days ago i stopped to talk to him. He had no idea that all three cars were the same kid (me) until a few days ago. :lol very cool dude tho.

the red honda he has, hes putting a 30r on over this winter.

after Frank tightened the valves so much my car wouldnt even start I knew not to trust him.

Ive heard stories from several other people about him fucking people over.

Really thats not an argument Im trying to get into here.

im not trying to start an argument, im trying to make a point. YOU hang out with MATT who hates FRANK, for no reason whatsoever. All matt does is talk shit about frank.

As far as over tightening your valves…were you installing a new cam at the time, or just putting new heads on or new rockers, w/e. That isnt a big deal, all he would have had to do was loosen them up a bit, get the car to fire up and then adjust them accordingly. Thats a very common “mistake”. If theyre completely out of adjustment, kind of hard to hit the nail on the head instantly.

that was when the new cam, rockers and heads went on.

I didnt care much for Frank long before I started hanging out with Matt. He kinda pissed me off with the whole gears thing and he’s really a big mouthed jackass.

well pjb he did a cam valvesprings and rods to my car, fired right up UNTUNED :number1 not to mention put a rear end i n the car, go thru the slp gearing in rear, put panhard bar lcs’s springs shocks built trans, that he rebuilt, clutch headers plugs wires and exhaust on my car… and like paulie said, he eats sleeps and breaths LSx.

Frank is the good shit when he has a clear head. Smart mofo… fir serious.

Yeah Frank is good people


i like you pjb but your making your self sound as bolded…

sorry about the off topic paulie!

Heard this thing shifts like a hot knife through butter

i heard my flywheel is stripped out :facepalm

Paul on waynes name?