paying a ticket out of state late

I got a ticket in virginia for a 75 in a 65…yes i know kinda gay and i was pissed espically after driving 14 hours and just entering the state and the speed changed from 70 to 65. Well this was two months ago and i didnt feel like paying it because i didnt have the money and what not and i threw the ticket in my back seat and forgot about it. well i went to pay it today and saw that i actually have court tomm for it and i think thats why it wont let me. So does anyone have any idea on what to do because im sure as hell not going to that hick state and putting up with an officer who told me if i was doing 8 or 9 over it would be ok but 10 is over the limit is his stupid southern slang?

should i just call and ask what i can do because i could care less to pay it but seeing im going for a criminal justice job im sure that will hurt me knowing i have a warrant out in virginia over a stupid speeding ticket

or should i just send it in today with the money since online pay wont work?

send it in… or sometimes they will let u off if u actually drive all the way to the state to fight it. but your safest bet is to just pay it

or just stay out of virginia…

i would call them. they should be able to just “send you a bill” so to say.

believe me im not going back there after the cop said the dumbest things to me… i think by 4th grade i had more education then him.

i may just send it in tomm morning with my cc info on it and just say i paid it just a day late woopps my bad

ya i only go thru there once a year to get down to daytona so i could care less, just trying to get a job in a cj field and having a background check wont be to good

Uhh, not in Virginia they don’t.

Send it in, then you can pay it online or via phone/credit card.

lol i probably wouldnt send in a piece of paper with my credit car number on it…

its a cheap ticket but i had alot of bills to catch up on and being down in daytona for a compition , i spent alot of money. I just hope im not screwed seeing this was about a month and a half ago and i have court tomm.

they have a form you can fill out and write the amount your paying on it. i could send a check but if they have my credit card at least i they can charge me what ever i owe if its a late fee or what not

If your paying it a day late- there will be penalty fees associated with it.

well as long as its not like 100 dollars or more i dont care , just dont need a warrant out for me

send them a pic of your junk


they make like that, being from the south there into that kind of stuff

What did it say when you tried to pay online?

I only ask because I tried to pay a MA ticket online once, it failed for some reason, so I called in and explained what was happening since I didn’t want to pay a late fee either. They said the cop didn’t turn in his record of the ticket so they had no record of my speeding ticket. There is some extended statute of limitations, but until they have the record for it, you don’t have to pay it.

Sadly I was called a week later saying it was turned in and had to pay it, but I wasn’t forced to pay a late fee since the cop fucked up. Maybe you are getting lucky?

idk i think im just late. There is nothing to click on pay and when i click on my ticket it shows all the info and everything just nothing to pay.

Ship them payment with a box full of pennies.

In Maryland, I didn’t pay a ticket. I thought nothing would happen. About six months later, I got a letter from the NY DMV that said that my license would be suspended on such and such a date for failure to pay an out of state violation ticket.

I called the phone number in Maryland, it was just a phone bank. They just wanted the money. A clerk just wanted two answers, the ticket number, and my credit card number.

Ticket was like 150 dollars or something for going in an EXIT of a MCDONALDS restaurant, instead of the entrance. It was barely marked, and a total bullshit ticket.

Pre-pay online or enjoy triple the fee after the court pleads you guilty.
Even if you showed up here you’d still be guilty just an FYI.

Speaking of which I still have a ticket from Thanksgiving time from NY I haven’t paid. Oops.

WRONG. They give you a week or two to pay, then the fees kick in.

It will be over 100.