Paypal rant v. screwing eBay sellers

how much would have saved/lost vs. paying for any other system that uses credit cards?

I think normal merchant fees are 1.5 - 2%, paypal is 3%, so he would have saved somewhere between 647 and 1000 dollars… Not a huge amount after moving roughly $65K in inventory, but it’s all out of profits, so I’d be bummed too.

plus $0.30 for each transaction regardless of selling price… which there has been 1557 sales in the past month.

1557 x $0.30 = $467.10

The biggest problem is that PayPal is an inconvenience to a lot of buyers who have little desire to sign up. Since you can’t pay with any other method, a lot of potential customers are lost.

Those people tend to go to instead…

theres nothing borderline about it

I miss the late 90s , eBay was awesome back then