PC Racing/Driving simulators?

T-Minus 38 Minutes until I leave to go get my G25. WOOT.

Whatever you plan on getting you need to get a mic, ventrilo and tell me what your going to be playing so I can join you

For sure. I have a sick ass headset: MEDUSA 5.1. and XFI-ProGamer audio card. the imaging is unreal with it, and it has an awesome MIC built on. I also have Vent installed, we just need to set up a server, the server I used to use is set up with TF2 for our team.

I have a 15 slot vent pm me and ill send you the info

The Medusa is good shit…

I gave up on true 5.1 headphones thou, Idk the rear channels always just dident seem right to me, even in the medusas…

I use the 5.1 virtualization that comes withthe X-Fi cards, may not work on all games but most games now a days you can usualy setup so it works… and its acctualy pretty acurate, basicly uses time delays to trick your ears.

Whats your Steam ID? They are doing a free TF2 weekend and I will be trying it out.

add me on steam


same, i wont be buying tru 5.1 headsets again for a long time… (2 years) im back to stereo headsets, i was not happy overall with trying to get everything to fucking work… and that goes with 5.1 in general, not worth it IMO, for what I use it for, just music… i stopped playing games and watching movies other than porn on the pc

kkkustom or Krazykid The account signin is kkkustom but the name in the games is krazykid.

Hey mike its off topc but do you have a drivers seat from your parts car?

Yeah I still have one. Tan cloth. Needs a good cleaning. PM me and ill give u photo bucket links.

pm on its way

I got the wheel last night at best buy. G25 for $179 so that i think is a good deal. Went home, and partitioned my gaming machine and did a fresh install of XP and the newest drivers. (i had some minor glitches SW wise with my last install) Setup was a piece of cake for the wheel and the drivers worked fine without tweaks. Signed up on iRacing (Mike Wood2 if you want to find me on it) and half an hour later I was all downloaded installed and updated.

Jumped into a Solstice and went to Lime Rock. Came into the first turn in 3rd gear and spun out and put it in the tires! hahahaah. This is not by any means the easiest thing to do. I sound like a ricer changing gears with the clutch! I played it for about 2 hours and had a blast! VERY hard to just jump in and drive like a pro. This car is hard to drive so far, either you turn in light and the ass end swings around, or you over steer into the dirt. I think I just suck at it to tell you the truth! lol

170FPS in the game with everythign maxed on 1920 res. VERY smooth.

I need to make a cockpit asap, my desk isnt sturdy enough at all, and the positions for all the components are horid.

I will be firmly planted in that drivers seat for a while in the winter months I can see it now!

Jammer hook you up with a pass or you just signup for it and pay?

Congrats on the wheel! You just need more practice and get the hang of it. The same basic driving principles apply.

Some old video I did with RFactor and GT5 :tongue :

RFactor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH30N3vVg8A

GT5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh2_kF_2l2U

Nice. ill have to check them out today.

Just signed up. I figured I would commit to it you know.

how the fuck do I practice with other drivers on iRacing? I dont get it?

Figured it out. you gotta get into a season and go practice.

That was funn as hell. Went to lime rock with the Solstice. at some time there was 10 other cars. Just like in real life, I am faster when I an following someone good! Once i am in the lead, my breaking points and everything get deeper and deeper and I end up in the weeds. lol

This is awesome.


I’ll be setting it up when I get home tonight

have vent installed and ready as it will be fun time

EDIT: Just bought 3 months of iracing, they have a holiday special, 3 months for the pirce of 1… SAWEET

NICE. I will be online later on I hope. I got shopping to do but this weekend I will be behind the wheel for sure@!

Shop online

2nd or next day air FTW

completely worth the 20-40 extra dollars on shipping if I dont have to deal with fuckwads at the mall