Penalty for beating up a scammer?

So lets say someone were to beat up a “White van speaker” scammer in the parking lot, what do you think would happen?

you would face the same penalty just like anybody else…

sorry… you cant just beat people up…


possible hate crime if they are a minority

do it up ! its worth the $200 u got scammed out of

… and film it so we can all watch on YouTube.

… Seriously though, bad idea.

terrible idea…


your fine.
do it.
kill him even.

lol @ the fact that you need the assistance of nyspeed to figure this one out.

Do it bro.just beat the motherfucker up, then you can ask nyspeed to bail you out of jail.

Well it won’t be on film because that is a lot more incriminating than nyspeed posts, unless the scammer is on this board, which he probably is.

Pretty much some dude caught my old man outside of Home Depot with these amazing speakers, Epic Sound 600, with a retail value of $3,500 for only $1,000. He takes them out of the box and everything and shows him how pretty the outside of the case is, a warranty card and all this bullshit. He ends up paying $300 for them. I hook them up and the FM tuner (that is built into the sub mind you) doesn’t work. I hook up my ipod (again, input is also built into the sub) and it sounds like complete shit. Shocker…

The fucked up part is his ‘buddy’ that works at some local electronics shop told him they were good speakers… Fuckers must be in on the scam together. You can find them all over ebay and craigslist for anywhere between $250-$1300, which the guy used to show him how much they were going for. Unfortunately he didn’t realize that none of them had actually been sold for that price (or at all).

haha white van scam…

be happy he got them for only 300… ive heard of people paying 2k for them…

they were really prevalent outside of closing CC’s

So your dad is a fucking retard and buying shit out of a van in the home depot parking lot, but the guy who sold it to him is the asshole? I don’t agree with scammers at all, but theres a reason this guy is selling shit in the home depot parking lot, and not at an electronics/car audio store.

What is the penalty for beating up your dad?

Also if you could let him know that I held a private lottery last week, and he won 1 million dollars. He just needs to give me $1000 to get the money out of escrow.

No shit he is a retard… It doesn’t make the scam ok… Tell me he is a retard to my face and this would be a different story…

you have officially reached e-thug status.

LOL I will come tell you, where and when? I could use the extra few grand that you hitting me would put in my pocket.

LOL. I don’t get in to the whole E-thug thing. BUT L O FUCKING L


Ok, I am done for at least a few minutes.