People trying to scam me

Whats a good way to fuck with somone tryin to scam you. I’ve got two strung along a little bit. I have a car advertized for about 4 days on some racing clasified page. Now I’m getting the " I represent a guy from Europe that wants the item your selling. You are asking 4500, he will send you 8500. Then you western union the difference to me. Thats my fee for setting it up for him." I remember reading about some guy that had a rescam for them. I just cant remember what exactly it is.

send him heavy ass pieces of junk pipe COD and tell him it’s a western union check on its’ way and give him the tracking number.


thats what it was. I knew I read about somone sending junk tires or something like that.

tell the guy you’ll do it if he brings you the money personally and then zip tie him to a roll cage and throw im in the creek.

I can e-threat him all day long. It would be VERY nice it meet this guy though. I’m going to do what I can. I will justify a decently long road trip for some street justice.

It’s like that scam where you get a email from some dude in nigeria, something about trapped funds and how if you deposit x amount of $ in his acct, you will in return get xxxxx amount of $ for your help…from snopes…

In a nutshell, the con works by blinding the victim with promises of an unimaginable fortune. Once the sucker is sufficiently glittery-eyed over the prospect of becoming fabulously rich, he is squeezed for however much money he has. This he parts with willingly, thinking “What’s $5,000 here or $10,000 there when I’m going to end up with $2 million when this is all done?” He fails to realize during the sting that he’s never going to get the promised fortune; all of this messing around is designed to part him from his money.

Just email the ass back and say you know it’s a scam. They won’t bother you anymore. I got like a whole bunch of faxes and emails like this a while back. I wrote “SCAM” in black marker on the faxes and faxed them back to the number at the top of the page. I never got another piece of propaganda from them ever.

Secondly contact the admin of the racin page and tell them what is going on and get that person banned/kicked off to prevent anyone else getting taken for their money. some ppl are not as smart as you and might fall for it. Just my $.02

a guy i work with busted a group of people trying to do this… they will actually send you the check before you send them the car/bike whatever, b/c it’s not about that, it’s about you rewiring back the difference in the amount of money owed to the asking/shipping price. they don’t want your car.

for instance, you sell something for 5000… they say they figure out shipping and somebody in canada owes that person 10000… they’ll send you the 10000 check and you can deposit it, take the 5g’s for the bike and the 1300 to ship it… and wire them the 3700 left over… here’s the f’d up parts. 1. their check is garbage 2. you can only wire the money in your account that’s yours while the check clears (which it won’t)… there’s more to it, but i’m all f’d up on meds today from wisdom teeth. if you really wanna bust this guy, shoot me pm and i can get you in touch with somebody who has already

he’s not in europe, most likely he’s in nyc and they throw out the line on this all day long…all they need is one or two people a month to bite and there’s a lot of fucking idiot people out there

i got like 5 of thoes things when i was sellin my integra on