Penn State fans

please pull up that post??? please im waiting, i love the pirates, and alway have faith in them, please, pull up that post!

maybe it wasn’t u but it does seem like everyone loves to bring up the pirates have sucked for years now. if they are still in 3 rivers there would be no pirates and i know some wouldn’t care. its the nature of the sport that required the pirates to get a new venue, the steelers didn’t nessicarily need a neew stadium to compete, it was rooney’s threat to move to washington pa. and then pitt tearing down pitt stadium. the rooneys are cheap, they have more than enough to have built that stadium with their own money but they held the city hostage to get it down for them. they were gonna hit the city in the wallet so they decided to take a big loss on the stadium to keep that money flow for the future. when push came to shove the rooney called the citys bluff and they bought it. they weren’t gonna leave pittsburgh, ever… the pirates would have had to.

1st off BC is in the ACC and lost their first conference game. Krauser is at the #2 not the #1 like someone was saying. Pitt pulled in a lof of GREAT recruits this past year. This year we will proboly make the NCAA but not go too far. But in 2 years, you will have Ramon running the team with Fields in #2 and Sam Young and Biggs upfront with Mike Cook (The transfer student who led the junior colleges in points last year). I have gone to all the Pitt games so far, even the one at Duquesne. I think some people will be surprised.

i believe penn states record all time against pitt is 50-42…

While I would be suprised if we made the tourny this year, I still think we have an amazing team. Tons of talent with Young and Fields, i’m excited to see them in a few years.

Pitt Bball is only going to get better.

Krauser still runs the team…he plays the 2 so he can guard the bigger guards & Ramon guards the 1 cause he’s smaller.

Krauser is still the Point even if he’s not listed @ the 1.

hes the one handling the ball & dishing out the assists.

similar to the lakers this year.

if young keeps gettin better he won’t be here in two years. he’ll go pro.

I have been to every Pitt game this year. And when Ramon and Krauser are on the court, Ramon brings up the ball. When Fields and Krauser are on the court, Fields brings up the ball. If you ever watch Krauser you know he has a tendency to force things. Ramon and Fields are smarter players. What they do is give Ramon the ball, run screens down low to free up Krauser and then have him shoot a 3 ball.